Policies, Laws and Regulations
‘Policies, laws and regulations’ refers to the wide range of instruments governments use to translate goals and priorities into concrete action. These instruments include those that directly promote, enable and protect investment, as well as those that address issues relating to investment such as environmental, labour, property, and corporate law. Active policymaking is essential if States are to pursue the dual goals of harnessing the full range of benefits from investment, while ensuring investment does not cause or contribute to adverse impacts on people’s lives. The Learning Hub’s work on State policies, laws and regulations will invite consideration of how States can better ensure their policymaking reflects these goals.
Start exploring the resources already available in the Learning Hub while work in this area is developing. The Investment & Human Rights Map provides tailored explanations of investment activities, human rights and their connections in each of the main areas:
- Understanding Human Rights
- Regulating Investment
- Resolving Investment Dispute
- Financing Investment
- Designing Investment Strategies
The Learning Hub also offers extensive information on: Arbitration, State-investor contracts and International Human Rights Law, along with a range of useful Tools:
- Toolboxes offering a dynamic repository of selected reference materials for practice, while drawing attention to emerging issues;
- Expert articles offering analysis and insights from practitioners and leading experts on investment and human rights, highlighting key issues for practice; and
- Learning videos offering basic explanations of essential topics and providing expert views on investment and human rights issues.
Stay informed as the Hub develops and creates new content and resources by following us on Twitter @InvestHumanRts, signing up to our mailing list or checking our What’s New.