The State-Investor Contracts Toolbox contains resources that provide general standards for practice, information around individual contractual topics and that identify emerging issues in State-investor contracts and human rights.
KEY STANDARDS AND GUIDANCE - Key resources on human rights and State-investment contracts
FINDING CONTRACTS - Contract databases and research tools
GOOD PRACTICE AND CASE STUDIES - Real world examples of State-investor contracting where human rights are relevant


Further resources are provided below.  They have been grouped into categories that will assist you to find documents relevant to each topic quickly.
UNDERSTANDING INVESTMENT CONTRACTS - Resources explaining common types of investment contracts and key clauses
NEGOTIATION ASSISTANCE - Embedding human rights into investment projects through contract negotiations
STABILISATION CLAUSES - Resources on stabilisation clauses and human rights
SECURITY - Ensuring the security of investment projects
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - Effective and ongoing community engagement
COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS - Understanding, designing and regulating community development agreements
GRIEVANCE MECHANISMS - Designing and implementing effective grievance mechanisms
TRANSPARENCY AND DISCLOSURE - Resources on contract transparency and disclosure of contract terms and project-related materials
RELEVANT CIVIL SOCIETY REPORTS - Reports that examine human rights issues associated with State-investor contracts