Category Archives: Euroscepticism

Jul 17 2014

Europe should be understood not as an idea but rather as a clash of ideas

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By Francesco Tava In his recent European election campaign, Alexis Tsipras indicated that one of the key-points of his programme was the necessity to fight “against the idea of a Fortress Europe”, and to conceive an “inclusive form of community”. … Continue reading

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Jun 30 2014

Punishment of mainstream national parties, not Euroscepticism, is behind Irish results

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By Paul Nulty The outcome of the European elections in Ireland reflected those across much of Europe — losses for the traditional establishment parties, gains for populist, Eurosceptic and anti-austerity candidates. However, in addition to the resentment of austerity measures … Continue reading

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Jun 24 2014

The Lost Art of Diplomacy: David Cameron to Europe’s Rescue?


By Max Hänska The British leadership has engaged in much posturing over Jean-Claude Juncker, the Spitzenkandidat of the EPP, and favoured candidate for European Commission President, ostensibly out of concern for Europe’s future, which, it claims, would be better served by a fresh face. … Continue reading

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Jun 20 2014

EU: Reframing Can Go Hand in Hand with Reform


By Marley Morris Last year my colleague Giulio Carini and I wrote an article about ‘reframing’ the EU. We thought that the current frames supporters of the EU were using in the debate were obstructive and we wanted to suggest … Continue reading

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Jun 10 2014

Mind the Gaps: The Political Consequences of the Great Recession in Europe


By Diego Muro and Guillem Vidal The financial crisis that started in 2008 had an unanticipated magnitude. What at first glance appeared as a manageable frailty of the financial sector rapidly derived into a Great Recession with on-going continuity into … Continue reading

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Jun 6 2014

European Union in Need of a “Relaunch”


By Dimitris Mathioudakis In its simplest sense, the winner is the one to come first. In the same sense, for the front-runner of last European elections, Jean Claude Juncker, the votes of the EPP signalled a win. However, a win in … Continue reading

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Jun 4 2014

“Spain is Different”: Podemos and 15-M


By Cristina Flesher Fominaya In a dismal post-European election scenario, in which the extreme right has managed to emerge as the leading political formation in a number of European democracies, Spain has once again lived up to the 1960’s tourist … Continue reading

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May 29 2014

Moderate Gains for Eurosceptics in Finland

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By Outi Keranen The Electoral Results In Finland the eurosceptic Finns Party (formerly known as True Finns) led by Timo Soini failed to repeat the landslide of the 2011 general elections despite polling 12.9 percent of the votes and increasing … Continue reading

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May 29 2014

A Legitimization of the Italian Government More Than a Vote for Europe


By Monica Poletti The overwhelming victory of the Democratic Party Elections in Italy rarely fail to surprise. The victory at the 2014 EP elections of the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his centre-left, pro-European Democratic Party (PD) came as a … Continue reading

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May 28 2014

Disengagement, Division and the ‘Peasants’ Revolt’


By Marley Morris “A kind of peasants’ revolt”. So said Boris Johnson of the European election results on Monday in a  – typically English – evaluation of the events. Yet the picture is much more nuanced – and varied – than he makes out. … Continue reading

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