Category Archives: Euro

May 29 2014

A Legitimization of the Italian Government More Than a Vote for Europe


By Monica Poletti The overwhelming victory of the Democratic Party Elections in Italy rarely fail to surprise. The victory at the 2014 EP elections of the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his centre-left, pro-European Democratic Party (PD) came as a … Continue reading

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May 27 2014

Democracy in Europe after the Elections


By Mary Kaldor Nationalism is a way of deflecting discontent towards a convenient scapegoat, an ‘other’ – the immigrant or Europe. It is a way of mobilising political support while avoiding any commitment to address the underlying causes of discontent; … Continue reading

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May 21 2014

The Crises in the Eurozone and Ukraine Have Heralded the ‘Return of Politics’ to European Integration


By Luuk van Middelaar On New Year’s Eve 2011, a sober but moving ceremony took place in the Estonia theatre in Tallinn. Prime-minister Ansip withdrew his country’s first euros from an ATM outside the building, walked back inside and delivered … Continue reading

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May 1 2014

European Discourses on Managing the Greek Crisis: Denial, Distancing and Blaming

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By Dimitris Papadimitriou and Sotirios Zartaloudis  Since the outbreak of the Eurozone crisis much attention has focused on the deficiencies of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and its effects on member states’ politics. Here we present some key findings of … Continue reading

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Apr 2 2014

What has been agreed on banking union risks reigniting, rather than resolving the crisis

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By Iain Begg In December 2013 EU finance ministers negotiated an agreement aimed at establishing a banking union, with further talks between the European Parliament and the Member States ending in an agreement last week. Iain Begg provides a detailed … Continue reading

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Feb 14 2014

Entrepreneurship in Southern Europe: Symptom or Solution to the Euro Crisis?


 By Stefan Bauchowitz Against ample discouraging evidence, expressions of false optimism occasionally enter into the debate on the Euro crisis. As an example of such optimism, a previous post on this blog by Mark Esposito voiced high hopes for entrepreneurialism in … Continue reading

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Jan 28 2014

The Germans vs. Mario Draghi

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By Henrik Mueller As the stress in financial markets is bound to return, the ECB and its president may run into a severe reputational crisis in the Eurozone’s biggest country. This column looks at the deeper roots of German anti-ECB … Continue reading

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Jan 13 2014

Europe is diverging: ignore it at your peril


By Lorenzo Marsili In the optimistic 1990s, the introduction of the Euro was to represent the kernel of the European integration process. The single currency was meant to act as the motor for the “ever-closer” convergence of European economies, thereby … Continue reading

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Jan 2 2014

The Systemic Nature of the EU Crisis: Reflections on a Deepening Issue

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By Mark Esposito The Eurozone has entered its fourth year of crisis and 2013 has been a challenging year for a large number of Member States, who have been falling into severe debt, requesting bailouts tied to crippling austerity measures. … Continue reading

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Dec 16 2013

The Euro Should Either Be Made Growth and Employment Friendly as Fast as Possible, or it Should Be Dismantled

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By Christopher Pissarides One of the most exciting things about working at the LSE is that we get to hear some of the world’s top thinkers and policy-makers. One occasion that I recall vividly is the visit of two great … Continue reading

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