Category Archives: Greece

May 21 2014

The Crises in the Eurozone and Ukraine Have Heralded the ‘Return of Politics’ to European Integration


By Luuk van Middelaar On New Year’s Eve 2011, a sober but moving ceremony took place in the Estonia theatre in Tallinn. Prime-minister Ansip withdrew his country’s first euros from an ATM outside the building, walked back inside and delivered … Continue reading

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May 1 2014

European Discourses on Managing the Greek Crisis: Denial, Distancing and Blaming

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By Dimitris Papadimitriou and Sotirios Zartaloudis  Since the outbreak of the Eurozone crisis much attention has focused on the deficiencies of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and its effects on member states’ politics. Here we present some key findings of … Continue reading

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Mar 17 2014

Landscapes of the Housing Bust—a Photo Blog


By Patrick van Dam I was traveling through Rhodes and Crete, knowing there were many unfinished buildings around these areas. It’s a southern European tradition to build a family home in stages. But many of these structures were obviously not … Continue reading

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Mar 13 2014

Radical Democracy and Collective Movements Today: Hegemony and Autonomy


By Marina Prentoulis and Lasse Thomassen The 2011 movements of the squares, the ‘aganaktismenoi’ and ‘indignados’ as they came to be known in Greece and Spain respectively, brought to the forefront old and unresolved debates on the Left. During the … Continue reading

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Feb 14 2014

Entrepreneurship in Southern Europe: Symptom or Solution to the Euro Crisis?


 By Stefan Bauchowitz Against ample discouraging evidence, expressions of false optimism occasionally enter into the debate on the Euro crisis. As an example of such optimism, a previous post on this blog by Mark Esposito voiced high hopes for entrepreneurialism in … Continue reading

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Feb 7 2014

First Step to Solving the Eurozone Crisis: Change our Perceptions


By Terence Tse How not to save a company Imagine the following. Your company is on the verge of bankruptcy. The only way to get out of this is to get all your employees to put in more efforts and … Continue reading

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Jan 31 2014

Do We Want to Solve the Eurocrisis? Let’s Look South!


By Mark Esposito   If there is a country, which should receive our apologies, that is Greece. We need to apologize for having demonized a small and modest economy (less than 2% of the EU GDP) as the black sheep … Continue reading

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Jan 24 2014

The Indignados in the Spanish and Greek press: constructing narratives of civic resistance


By Maria Kyriakidou and Jose Javier Olivas Although it is more than two years now that the Indignados took over the streets and central squares in Spain and Greece, the movement remains the most emblematic expression of civic resistance to … Continue reading

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Dec 20 2013

Framing the Indignant Citizens Movement


By Christos Kostopoulos The current economic crisis that Europe is going through has produced a lot of social strife around the political handling of the crisis. In one of the most affected countries of the Eurozone, Greece, popular resistance to … Continue reading

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Dec 4 2013

Greek Higher Education: Another Patient of Austerity in the Operating Room


By Vasileios Bougioukos As the strike by the administrative staff of the Greek universities continues into its third month, Greek society is experiencing another drama that might end up having itself as the only victim. The latest stress-test for Greece … Continue reading

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