Author Archives: Eurocrisis in the Press

Dec 7 2015

Separatism does nothing for Catalan identity

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By Alessio Colonnelli ANC & Co. should focus on making a stronger case in Madrid for the Catalan-language regions of Spain. It’s not just about Catalonia. In late spring 2008, the CEO of Air Berlin Joachim Hunold said the airline … Continue reading

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Nov 30 2015

Why we should oppose British air strikes against ISIL in Syria

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By Mary Kaldor and Rim Turkmani The threat of ISIL is too serious to be treated with a knee jerk response like air strikes as the British Prime Minister suggests. It is very difficult to understand why air strikes are … Continue reading

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Nov 25 2015

Why Cameron shouldn’t gamble with Germany: Helmut Schmidt’s story

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 By Mathias Häussler Born in the North German port city of Hamburg in 1918, Helmut Schmidt was an enthusiastic Anglophile in his early life, to the point that he abstained from voting on the Treaties of Rome in the German Bundestag … Continue reading

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Nov 19 2015

Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and Paris

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By Richard English FBA  The appalling events in Paris on 13 November force us, once again, to think carefully about the paradoxically intimate relationship between terrorism and counter-terrorism. The immediate response we should all feel is one of horror at … Continue reading

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Nov 17 2015

The Paris Attacks

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By Patrice De Beer The morning after was horrible, like a moral, emotional hangover. Even for a former war correspondent who has covered too many wars and massacres, but who has, for the first time, witnessed shooting at a stone’s … Continue reading

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Nov 12 2015

The Ultimate Sovereign Debt Showdown: Russia & Ukraine likely to battle it out in court!

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By Kanad Bagchi Against the backdrop of acute political instability, civil war, the loss of Crimea, and a debilitating state of public finances, Ukraine remarkably secured a debt restructuring deal with its international bondholders on 27th August 2015, potentially augmenting … Continue reading

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Nov 8 2015

How visible are Britain’s EU renegotiation demands across Europe’s twitterspheres?

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By Max Hänska and Stefan Bauchowitz David Cameron warned EU leaders to meet Britain’s demands, as he faced mounting pressure to outline his terms for keeping the UK in the EU. He is expected to set out these demands in greater … Continue reading

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Nov 2 2015

As Europe looks fearfully outside, its liberal democracy is under attack from within


By Cas Mudde Liberal democracy in Europe is under threat once more. This time, however, the threat comes from within the European elite. What can be done to remedy this situation?  If one believes the international media, then the “refugee … Continue reading

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Oct 26 2015

Brexit will give neither Hitchens nor Mason the Europe they desire

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By Denis MacShane Recently I had the pleasure of debating Europe with Peter Hitchens of the Mail on Sunday at the Dulwich Literary Festival. Hitchens advanced the well-worn Brexit arguments about Europe being run by faceless unelected bureaucrats, imposing its … Continue reading

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Oct 19 2015

Lies, damned lies and statistics on the UK’s EU membership

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By Iain Begg The launch in the last few days of groups to campaign for and against UK membership of the European Union has, predictably, seen the publication of claims and counter-claims about the costs and benefits. Anyone hoping for … Continue reading

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