Category Archives: Europe

Oct 27 2016

The EU-Turkey Deal: Ambiguities and Future Scenarios

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By Pınar Dinç and Irem Aydemir  The Arab Spring started the fire in 2011, and ever since the whole MENA region has been in turmoil. The civil war in Syria has quickly become a global one with the ongoing war … Continue reading

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Oct 20 2016

Democracy Between Compromise and Control

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By Henry Radice The slogan ‘take back control’ was widely credited as a key factor in the UK’s vote to leave the EU on June 23rd.  That vote revealed many cleavages in how we understand our democracy. One significant one … Continue reading

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Aug 11 2016

How reliant is Britain on EU migrant workers?

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By Catherine Harris Brexit – the UK vote to leave the European Union – has caused uncertainty in a number of areas. One of which is the impact that potentially reduced immigration will have on the British economy, particularly in … Continue reading

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Jul 22 2016

From Brexit to Trump: Why mobilising anger in a constructive way is now one of the key challenges in modern politics

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By Sonja Avlijaš Following Brexit, anger is palpable and omnipresent. Scrolling through Twitter as I write this, I find countless examples of anger on social media: Brexit was a cry of anger and frustration, anger of those left behind by globalisation, working-class anger, nationalist anger, Europeans … Continue reading

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Jul 12 2016

The battle lines have been etched

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By Max Hänska Latent tensions became manifest with the result of the Brexit referendum, etching the battle line that will define the struggles ahead. Those who have embraced and built their lives around our liberal-cosmopolitan global order, and found opportunity … Continue reading

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Jul 4 2016

On Brexit & Control


By Tom Gaisford The EU referendum result was not a triumph for democracy, so much as a symptom of large-scale manipulation. For all the discord and unrest it has unleashed, it may at least serve to enhance global awareness of … Continue reading

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Jun 29 2016

Brexit and Democracy


By Mary Kaldor The vote to leave Europe seems to have set off a spate of events spinning in different and dangerous directions. The two main political parties are falling apart. Scottish politicians are already a tabling a second referendum … Continue reading

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Jun 14 2016

“We Are the Green Ones”: How News on Climate Change Make ‘Us’ European

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By Leif Hemming Pedersen and Magnus Boye Bjerregaard   As research on European integration ever so often seems to point out, the European Union suffers from a democratic deficit. The challenge lies in the distance between lawmakers and citizens, between … Continue reading

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Jun 9 2016

Will The Real Project Fear Please Stand Up?

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By Henry Radice This is the second in a series of pre-referendum opinion pieces, Defenestrations: (Un)Framing the EU Referendum Debate. The first one addressed the issue of the referendum itself, and attracted a powerful rejoinder from Roberto Orsi. One of … Continue reading

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Jun 6 2016

The Great Pushback: Western Politics and Dynamics of Exclusion

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By Roberto Orsi A recent piece by Henry Radice on this very blog envisages a connection between different phenomena on the two sides of the Atlantic, namely Mr. Cameron’s political tactics (or strategy?), which has led to the Brexit referendum, … Continue reading

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