Category Archives: Europe

Jul 10 2015

Is the BRICS Bank an alternative for Greece?

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By Konstantinos Myrodias and Panos Chatzinikolaou This article concerns Greece’s potential accession to the New Development Bank established by the BRICS and examines whether BRICS Bank provides an alternative for Greece to rescue its economy in such a crucial moment of negotiations among Greece, … Continue reading

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Jul 9 2015

The Greek Referendum: Popular Verdict or Foregone Conclusion?


By Eleftherios Antonopoulos It is easy to blame the yes campaign but hard to account for its 38.69 per cent in a snap referendum framed as foregone conclusion In the early morning hours of Saturday June 27, Greek TV programmes … Continue reading

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Jul 7 2015

Grexit remains unlikely, but time is against the Greek government

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By Lorenzo Codogno Eurozone finance ministers met today (Tuesday 7 July) to discuss the Greek debt crisis following the country’s ‘No’ vote in its bailout referendum on 5 July. While a Grexit remains unlikely, the risks have clearly increased since … Continue reading

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Jun 25 2015

Eurobarometer surveys provide an important insight into the European Commission’s role as an agenda setter

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By Markus Haverland, Minou de Ruiter and Steven Van de Walle What passes for public opinion and public support in the European Union consists largely of the answers of European Union citizens to questions regularly posed to them in surveys commissioned and controlled … Continue reading

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Jun 21 2015

Populism in Europe: a primer

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By Cas Mudde Already in 2010, a good five years before a populist coalition government would be formed in Greece, then EU President Herman van Rompuy called populism “the greatest danger for Europe” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 9 April 2010). Since then, … Continue reading

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Jun 15 2015

The Politics of the Humanitarian Crisis in Europe


By Roberto Orsi One of the greatest moral achievements of the ancient world has been the enshrinement of a solidarity principle for the fellow human in distress, which finds perhaps its highest formulation in the evangelical parable of the “good … Continue reading

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Jun 2 2015

Europe entrapped? An interview with Claus Offe

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By Claus Offe and Daniel Whittall Europe remains mired in a crisis as much political as it is economic. The crisis has been long in the making and its dynamics stem from the institutional structures that govern European politics.  In Europe Entrapped Claus Offe, Professor … Continue reading

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May 28 2015

Greek Media in Disarray

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By Maria Kyriakidou There is perhaps no other field that better illustrates how deeply ingrained clientelism is in Greek political culture than the media sector. Politicians, media and business have long been operating as a ‘triangle of power’, where private … Continue reading

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May 18 2015

Eurosceptics at a Junction: Antagonising the EU for the Sake of it is Risky


By Alessio Colonnelli All right-wing parties seem to dabble in anti-EU rhetoric more or less radically: the EU weakens the prerogatives of their nation-states. Germany’s Christian Democratic Union is a conspicuous exception; it sharply antagonises the further-to-the-right Alternative for Germany, … Continue reading

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May 14 2015

Europe’s Innovations, China’s Capital

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By Terence Tse and Mark Esposito At a recent event held in London, ten start-ups were pitching their ideas for seed funding. This in itself is nothing out of the ordinary, as innumerable pitches by entrepreneurs are made every day across … Continue reading

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