Arts & Culture

How does freedom dress?

Cloth is a video art piece intended to contribute to an inter/intracultural conversation about women, identity, oppression, agency and freedom, as well as common (mis)representations thereof. The directors and performing artists, Samira Mahboub and Ania Catherine, both current postgraduate students at the LSE Gender Institute, envisioned film as a medium through which they could carry academic discourse to a wider audience via […]

Book Review: Salma: Filming a Poet in her Village

Rajathi Salma and Kim Longinotto’s Salma: Filming a Poet in her Village is a hugely engaging, disconcerting book that takes you behind the scenes of BAFTA award winning Kim Longinotto’s beautiful film Salma. This is not an academic book but reads more like a travelogue or a personal journal, exploring the experiences of two women who come together to make […]

November 29th, 2013|Arts & Culture|2 Comments|

Age restrictions on music videos – sexism solved?

On Monday the Rewind & Reframe campaign  to denounce sexism and racism in music videos was launched by EVAW, Imkaan and Object in London.  The debate in Westminster that signaled the start of their campaign is part of a growing online and traditional media interest in the portrayal of women in the music industry [1]. Rewind & Reframe call for […]

Recognising Religious Women as Feminist Subjects: The Case of Catholic Feminists in Brazil

The position of white Western feminists regarding religious women, and more specifically Muslim women, is increasingly contested. In Western discourses, religious women are considered either too oppressed to speak for themselves or too dominated to express a real “free choice” (Delphy 2008; Scott 2007). By locking them in this subjugated position, feminist theory denies religious women agency and capacity to […]

September 23rd, 2013|Arts & Culture, Society|1 Comment|

Rape culture, Taylor Swift and silencing women who speak up

Friday nights are a sacred space. I enjoy coming home to do my laundry, tidy up my room…and shamelessly sing off pitched lyrics to ditties that are oddly reminiscent of my high school freshman diary while I simultaneously dance around in my running spankies and jump on top of my bed. Friday night is Taylor Swift ‘n Sing Karaoke Clean-up […]

Crusaders and Spartans: The Performance of Masculinity at the Euro 2012 Championships

 Mark Doidge is an early career academic whose research and teaching primarily focus on globalisation, performance and sport. In this post he discusses the construction of homogenous national masculine culture in the context of the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship. Four Spartans stand facing forward. The sun glints off their steel helmets. Their naked torsos bear witness to the intensity of […]

The media furore surrounding Rihanna and Chris Brown is a missed opportunity for helpful discussion about intimate partner violence

In this post, Harriet Gray, first year PhD student at the LSE Gender Institute, discusses how the public discourse surrounding Chris Brown’s abuse of then-girlfriend and singer Rihanna has turned in to a discourse of victim blaming rather than being used as something constructive to publicly discuss the issues surrounding domestic violence.  Singers Rihanna and Chris Brown are back in […]

Women looking at women, women looking at men

Akane Kanai, an MSc student at the LSE’s Gender Institute studying Gender, Media and Culture. Here she muses over differing utilisations and perceptions of masculine and feminine beauty, the diverging experiences of presenting the self and experiencing the presentation of others.


‘The female body is a… work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it’s for gettin’ around, like a […]

Women’s Soccer in Crisis – A Voice from the Pitch

In this post Caitlin Fisher talks about the treatment of women’s soccer in the United States as compared to men’s soccer and makes an argument that perhaps we should stop holding it in comparison with men’s soccer and see it as a different interpretation of an old sport. The year 2012 has started out on a bleak note for women’s football. […]

February 23rd, 2012|Arts & Culture|7 Comments|

Playing it Metro

Emma Spruce on ‘Playing it Straight’ -the dynamics of articulating sexuality in popular culture. Metro-sexuality as a challenge to hyper-masculinity? This article has been published collaboratively by LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings blog to mark LGBT History Month. This week saw another Thursday night at home, hiding from the weather and reassuring myself that there wasn’t a rule that meant it would stay freezing outside until […]

February 20th, 2012|Arts & Culture, Society|0 Comments|

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