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    The Saturday Mothers in Turkey as a Maternal Movement: A Feminist Critique

The Saturday Mothers in Turkey as a Maternal Movement: A Feminist Critique

by Güneş Daşlı

The public attention to motherhood and the maternal aspect of collective activism on the issue of enforced disappearances is not unique to Turkey. Similar to other victims’ movements globally, such as the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo or the Mothers of Abkhazia for Peace and Social Justice, motherhood and its traits traditionally ascribed to women shape the Saturday […]

  • “Detract the decision, implement the Convention”.
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    The threats and possibilities awaiting the gender-equal democracy in Turkey after the 2023 general elections

The threats and possibilities awaiting the gender-equal democracy in Turkey after the 2023 general elections

by Didem Unal

The parliamentary and presidential elections on 14 May 2023 mark a turning point in Turkey for gender-equal democracy. As the country enters its second century, AKP (Justice and Development Party), the party in power since 2002, is facing the most consolidated opposition of the last two decades. Turkey’s six-party opposition coalition composed of the major opposition party, […]

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    Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

by Tunay Altay

On 14 April 2021, a group of students from Turkey’s Middle East Technical University (Ortadogu Teknik Universiversitesi, ODTÜ) gathered at a staircase on campus in Ankara. This staircase was no different from any other staircase on the 11,100-acre campus, yet this was the third time in a fortnight that the students had met at the same point, carrying […]

  • Crowd holding rainbow pride flags
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    ‘Global gay conspiracy’ and misogyny in Turkish anti-gender narratives

‘Global gay conspiracy’ and misogyny in Turkish anti-gender narratives

by Alev Özkazanç

Having been inspired by the great victory of the opposition against Islamist AKP in Istanbul municipal elections in 23 June 2019, several municipalities dared to show solidarity with Gay Pride in the following week. That a public office declared an open support for the Pride was something totally unprecedented and it immediately provoked a reaction on the part […]

The new episode of anti-gender politics in Turkey

by Alev Özkazanç

As we approached the 8 March 2019 International Women’s Day, an unexpected and novel occurrence appeared on the horizon of Turkish (anti)gender politics. Something happened, something alarming, which shows the shocking pace with which an anti-gender movement is emerging in tandem with global anti-gender movements. A strong governmental policy to undermine gender equality has already been […]

  • A number of Kurdish women in Turkey, pictured from behind, wearing colourful Hijab headscarves
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    KADEM’s ‘Gender Justice’ or the Momentum of Anti-genderism in Turkey

KADEM’s ‘Gender Justice’ or the Momentum of Anti-genderism in Turkey

by Tutku Ayhan

Sumeyye Erdogan, daughter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the vice-chair of pro-government women’s organization KADEM [Kadin ve Demokrasi Dernegi / Women and Democracy Association] said the following during the opening of organization’s branch office in Aksaray: “KADEM bases itself on the wisdom of its own land, principles of its own faith. [As an organization] it […]

Varieties of anti-gender mobilizations. Is Turkey a case?

by Selin Çağatay

The current decade has seen popular mobilizations against gender equality in Europe and globally. In Turkey, this process is led by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and mediated through authoritarian and populist ways of governing, institutionalized Islamism and Sunni-Turkish nationalism. Dynamics of Turkey’s gender politics are somewhat different than those identified by scholars who examine transnational […]

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