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    How Media and Police Still Fail London’s Queer and Trans* Residents When Dealing With Hate-Motivated Violence

How Media and Police Still Fail London’s Queer and Trans* Residents When Dealing With Hate-Motivated Violence

by Sean Cartwright

Each year students on the LSE Gender MSc course Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation present independent research papers at an all-day student conference. This year’s conference “Globalising Desire / Locating Power” took place on 29 March 2019 and in this series of posts a selection of students present their interventions from the conference.

On the 17th of November, 2018 […]

  • A fingerprint in the British flag print on white background
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    What the media circus surrounding Shamima Begum can teach us about gender and nation

What the media circus surrounding Shamima Begum can teach us about gender and nation

by Harriet Farnham

As the so-called caliphate defends its last stronghold in the town of Baghuz, Shamima Begum is back in the media spotlight. Four years since she left the UK to join ISIS, the 19 year old is asking to return home. The sensationalist and islamophobic media circus surrounding Begum should not surprise us; we’ve seen this all before in […]

  • Screen shot of BBC website showing women wearing Muslim dress and the title of the show 'The Real Housewives of ISIS'
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    The ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’ sketch: When funny is harmful

The ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’ sketch: When funny is harmful

by Jennifer Philippa Eggert

 Image: BBC Two/ BBC iPlayer: ‘Revolting’ Episode 1

If you follow the news, you have probably heard about the controversial new BBC sketch ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’. I do like some good comedy and have no issue laughing at Muslims or issues that arise in Muslim societies. There are great sketches on that. As a student I used to laugh […]

  • Fuiste Mía video still
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    “Propiedad ni tuya, ni de nadie”: Gender Representations in the Media and Violence Against Women in Mexico

“Propiedad ni tuya, ni de nadie”: Gender Representations in the Media and Violence Against Women in Mexico

by Adriana López A recent music video has reignited the conversation about violence against women (VAW) in México. The video called ‘Fuiste Mía’ (or ‘You were mine’) by singer Gerardo Ortiz has generated a heated conversation about the way men and women are portrayed in the media, and the role media plays in normalizing VAW. The graphic video, which was temporarily […]

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    Intergenerational Relationships: Case Study of Stephen Fry and Elliott Spencer

Intergenerational Relationships: Case Study of Stephen Fry and Elliott Spencer

Actor and presenter Stephen Fry and comedian Elliott Spencer announced their engagement on 6 January, 2015 amidst a flood of media interest. As I followed the coverage, I was struck by the media’s constant reiteration of the couple’s age difference. Rather than celebrating their engagement and later marriage, I was appalled to see how the British media demonised the couple […]

Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, Race and Age in the Privileging of Coupledom

Earlier this year LSE held an event to commemorate the sociologist Ulrich Beck. Beck was prominent in developing the theory of reflexive modernity and the related concept of the transformation of intimacy. Such a theory suggests that postmodern society is characterised by diversification, freedom and fluidity within intimate relationships where non-traditional forms of love are being reflexively constructed into ‘elective […]

April 13th, 2015|Society|0 Comments|

Rape culture, Taylor Swift and silencing women who speak up

Friday nights are a sacred space. I enjoy coming home to do my laundry, tidy up my room…and shamelessly sing off pitched lyrics to ditties that are oddly reminiscent of my high school freshman diary while I simultaneously dance around in my running spankies and jump on top of my bed. Friday night is Taylor Swift ‘n Sing Karaoke Clean-up […]

Still dealing in dichotomies?!

On January 18, 2013, The New York Times reported anticipation among leading women of the world about the rise and globalization of women’s issues. A month later, however, The Observer reported a decline in women’s presence in British public life. So which is it? Are women’s issues genuinely featuring more seriously on the political agenda and are we truly witnessing […]

So many ‘Years of the Woman’, so little time

In this post, Kimberly Killen warns readers to be wary when reading media reports of the “Year of the Woman,” as they can be cyclical and paint a misleading portrait of women in politics. In the last two decades, the media have become fond of a particular electoral frame – the “Year of the Woman”. It has been circulated in […]

October 10th, 2012|Politics|0 Comments|

Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women in Journalism

Lauren Maffeo, an MSc student in Gender, Media, and Culture at the LSE Gender Institute recounts a lecture delivered Zeina Awad on women in the newsworld, particularly as reporters. Maffeo endorses Awad’s view that women are still heavily discriminated against in the news industry though steps towards equality are being taken.   It has been said that the two aspects […]

March 24th, 2012|Politics, Society|1 Comment|

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