• graffitied wall with two diamond shaped windows showing lush green forest behind
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    Queering or De-Queering the European Space? Reflecting on the European Parliament Declaration of the EU as an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’

Queering or De-Queering the European Space? Reflecting on the European Parliament Declaration of the EU as an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’

By Francesca Romana Ammaturo

Photo by Sijmen van Hooff on Unsplash

A Divided Union?

On 11th March 2021, the European Parliament adopted a Declaration that designates the European Union as a ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’. Supported by a wide range of MEPs across the various political groups of the EU, this is a direct response to the earlier moves by the Polish […]

The Politics of Rainbow Maps

by Francesca Romana Ammaturo and Koen Slootmaeckers

Every year, around the International Day Against Homo, Bi, and Transphobia, ILGA Europe, the biggest LGBTQI+ umbrella organisation in Europe working on LGBTQI+ rights, releases its Rainbow Index and Rainbow Map into the world. This moment generates a lot of media attention to the plight of LGBTQI+ rights in Europe and provides an important […]

  • Black and white image of a demonstration with many women in the foreground carrying babies in slings and others holding banners and placards.
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    Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

By Sonia Corrêa

In the first week of November, 2017, Judith Butler was viciously attacked in Brazil by a heterogeneous group of actors who define themselves as anti-gender,[1] a regrettable episode caught the attention of both the media and international and global North academics. This well-orchestrated political formation is not new and much less peculiarly Brazilian. As analysed by numerous of […]

December 11th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|13 Comments|

Gender Folding and Pre-teen Kissing

Are ‘homonormative’ narratives, full of labels for identities, becoming as rigid as heteronormative narratives? Maitrayee Basu questions the need for naming relations and argues that the fluidity of desires and identities leads to a better expression of self. This article has been published collaboratively by LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings blogs to mark LGBT History Month.


I kissed a […]

February 29th, 2012|Society|0 Comments|

“That’s Gay!” – Think before you speak

Benjamin Butterworth speaks out against the callous use of the phrase ‘That’s gay!” He argues that language reflects and forms attitudes, so should be carefully used. This article has been published collaboratively by LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings blogs to mark LGBT History Month.   “That’s gay!” This is the call heard in school playgrounds up and down the […]

February 21st, 2012|Society|1 Comment|

Playing it Metro

Emma Spruce on ‘Playing it Straight’ -the dynamics of articulating sexuality in popular culture. Metro-sexuality as a challenge to hyper-masculinity? This article has been published collaboratively by LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings blog to mark LGBT History Month. This week saw another Thursday night at home, hiding from the weather and reassuring myself that there wasn’t a rule that meant it would stay freezing outside until […]

February 20th, 2012|Arts & Culture, Society|0 Comments|

The Transmen Community is Still Overshadowed by Phallocentric Logic in Malaysia

Alicia Izharuddin asks why the transmen community in Malaysia is regularly marginalised and continues to be poorly understood even within liberal and activist circles. This article has been published collaboratively by LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings blog to mark LGBT History Month. In several scenes from the recent but quickly forgotten Malaysian film, ‘Aku Bukan Tomboy’ (I’m Not a […]

One Gay Day: Heteronormativity in Action

Emma Spruce, a PhD student at the Gender Institute, writes a witty critique of how heteronormativity functions in everyday interactions and how labeling from outside and within the LGBTQI community inhibits identity formation, recognition, and social change. This article has been published collaboratively with LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings Blog to mark LGBT History Month. I let the […]

February 5th, 2012|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

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