
  • Back of Hercules in main square in Florence, Italy.
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    Sexuality, Masculinity, and Populist Radical Right Leadership

Sexuality, Masculinity, and Populist Radical Right Leadership

by Nik Linders

Populist radical right parties (PRR) are often classified as gender-conservative. But the role of gender and sexuality in their discourse is actually complex and varied. In our recently published research article, we compare the discourse of three relatively successful Dutch populist radical right leaders (Pim Fortuyn, Geert Wilders, and Thierry Baudet). We focus particularly on masculinity and sexuality. […]

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    The Hidden Masculinization and Militarization of the Canadian Citizenship Guide

The Hidden Masculinization and Militarization of the Canadian Citizenship Guide

by Sarah Chudleigh

The Canadian Citizenship Guide seeks to characterise Canada by its ideals of peace and gender equality. However, its language, imagery and layout paint a different picture. In this post, Sarah Chudleigh explores how the guide reinforces the masculinised and militarist values it seeks to oppose.

Photo by Jaimie Harmsen on Unsplash

For aspiring Canadian citizens, the current citizenship […]

  • Image of a man, Tim Hetherington, sitting on a couch looking straight at the viewer, with a colourful tapestry above his head
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    ‘What really draws men to war?’ Masculinity and conflict in the work of Tim Hetherington

‘What really draws men to war?’ Masculinity and conflict in the work of Tim Hetherington

by Daniel Cullen

On 20 April 2011, photojournalist Tim Hetherington was killed while on assignment in Libya, amid government forces’ shelling of the besieged city of Misrata. Having spent many years covering global conflicts, including in Liberia, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka, Hetherington had become widely renowned as a war photographer – although this was a label he rejected. He instead […]

April 23rd, 2019|Featured|3 Comments|
  • Permalink Image credit: Charlotta WastesonGallery

    Remembrance Day and the poppy: reflections from a militarized feminist

Remembrance Day and the poppy: reflections from a militarized feminist

by Amanda Chisholm

Looking at Remembrance Services and the poppy appeal I feel like a terrible feminist. Having served in the Canadian military, personally knowing people who have died or have been severely injured through military service, and now being married to a former serving soldier, my need to pay homage to my friends, family and my personal history becomes […]

November 10th, 2016|Featured, Society|0 Comments|

The UK Stabilisation Unit and Sexual Violence in Conflict

Intersections between men, a gendered misrecognition and transitional justice across conflict geographies Coinciding with the British presidency of the G8 and under the leadership of Foreign Secretary William Hague, on 10-13 June 2014 the UK will host a global summit on sexual violence in conflict areas. As part of the UK Stabilisation Unit’s Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative, the Global Summit […]

Women in ‘combat’: a revolution in the US military?

On the 24th January 2013, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta signed a directive which will open up ‘front-line combat’ posts in the US military to women. While this move puts the US military on similar terms to militaries in Germany, Australia and Canada (among others), the British forces continue to officially […]

February 21st, 2013|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Parental Leave: Men and Women at Work

Caroline Thorpe is a British journalist based in London. She was deputy editor of multiple award-winning Inside Housing magazine until 2011, when she took a year out to pursue graduate studies in gender at the London School of Economics. She has now returned to full-time journalism, specialising in social policy and politics. In this post she discusses parental leave in […]

October 15th, 2012|Politics, Society|1 Comment|

Crusaders and Spartans: The Performance of Masculinity at the Euro 2012 Championships

 Mark Doidge is an early career academic whose research and teaching primarily focus on globalisation, performance and sport. In this post he discusses the construction of homogenous national masculine culture in the context of the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship. Four Spartans stand facing forward. The sun glints off their steel helmets. Their naked torsos bear witness to the intensity of […]

Women looking at women, women looking at men

Akane Kanai, an MSc student at the LSE’s Gender Institute studying Gender, Media and Culture. Here she muses over differing utilisations and perceptions of masculine and feminine beauty, the diverging experiences of presenting the self and experiencing the presentation of others.


‘The female body is a… work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it’s for gettin’ around, like a […]

Coming of Age and Love in Post 9/11 America part 2

Shanthi Marie Blanchard is a MSc student at the London School of Economics and Political Science and studies Gender, Policy and Inequalities. In this essay, she uses the concept of intersectionality as a tool to unpack her understanding of her area youth’s transition into adulthood which transpired after 9/11 in her small rural Midwestern town. This post is the second […]

March 2nd, 2012|Politics, Society|1 Comment|

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