
Gender as psychoanalysis’ act of citizenship

By Carolina Besoain

In 2021, Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini received the first Tiresias Award[1] from the Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies Committee (S&GDSC) of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA)[2] for their work titled A feminine boy: normative investments and reparative fantasy at the intersections of gender, race, and religion. However, they faced obstacles when attempting to publish the article in […]

  • Two boxes containing wooden spoons and banners with protest slogans.
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    When Solidarity Comes to the Rescue, We Need to Ask if it’s Equitable

When Solidarity Comes to the Rescue, We Need to Ask if it’s Equitable

By Ján Michalko

A wooden spoon. This humble kitchen utensil became the symbol for this year’s protest campaign of gender equality activists in Slovakia. At its launch, Zuzana Maďarová from feminist organisation ASPEKT explained that spoons represent women’s hidden and underappreciated care work. The campaigners thus turned to spoons to become beacons, bringing to the limelight gender-based inequalities that Slovak […]

The Politics of Rainbow Maps

by Francesca Romana Ammaturo and Koen Slootmaeckers

Every year, around the International Day Against Homo, Bi, and Transphobia, ILGA Europe, the biggest LGBTQI+ umbrella organisation in Europe working on LGBTQI+ rights, releases its Rainbow Index and Rainbow Map into the world. This moment generates a lot of media attention to the plight of LGBTQI+ rights in Europe and provides an important […]

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    Back to where we always have been: sex/gender segregation to contain Covid-19

Back to where we always have been: sex/gender segregation to contain Covid-19

by Sonia Corrêa[1]
But, people die, don´t they? Yes, indeed. However, the current naturalization of death erases thinking – Santiago López Petit
In the first week of April, the international press reported that, in order to reduce drastically the circulation of people, the governments of Panama and Peru defined a sex/gender criterion to establish the rotation of who can or cannot […]

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    Welfarist Dilemma? The Politics of Gender in West Bengal’s Cash Transfer Schemes

Welfarist Dilemma? The Politics of Gender in West Bengal’s Cash Transfer Schemes

by Proma Ray Chaudhury

Notwithstanding criticisms, Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) schemes as a means of poverty alleviation and social justice in countries with higher levels of socio-economic inequality have seen substantial surge in popularity in the recent decades. While being appreciated as instrumental in making women economically independent precisely as many of them are direct recipients of cash benefits, and in […]

February 13th, 2020|Development, Featured|0 Comments|

Haunting Feminism: Encounters with Lesbian Ghosts

A special issue of Feminist Theory edited by Ilana Eloit and Clare Hemmings

This special issue was published in December 2019 and there will be a celebration launch at the Laboratoire d’Études de Genre et de Sexualité (CNRS / Paris 8 University / Paris Nanterre University) on May 14th 2020. Here we take extracts from our Introduction to give a sense […]

Why feminisms? In the Name of Feminism

by Priya Raghavan

On Wednesday 3 October 2018, LSE Gender PhD students organised an event titled ‘Why feminisms? An open discussion about doing gender research’. During this event, MSc and PhD students discussed what inspired them to study gender. Three PhD students then presented their thoughts about doing feminist research in this particular moment in history: one where gender studies faces calls […]

The murder of Marielle Franco: a call to action

by Sonia Corrêa and Richard Parker, ABIA

The Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association (ABIA) makes public its profound mourning and indignation regarding the brutal assassination of Municipal councilor Marielle Franco and her driver, Anderson Gomes. Both were victims of a summary execution on the night of March 14, 2018.

Marielle Franco was a black woman from the favela and a human rights defender, […]

  • picture gender neutral restroom sign
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    The ‘private’ life of US politics part two: affect, intimacy and public bathrooms

The ‘private’ life of US politics part two: affect, intimacy and public bathrooms

by Kate Gilchrist

In part one of this two-part blog post, I looked at the rise in popularity of populist politics in the US, as represented by Donald Trump. In light of the presidential elections it seemed timely to try to understand why there has been such a shift in the political climate here (although it is by no means […]

October 17th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Size Matters

by Kimberly Killen   A lot has been made of the U.S. Republican party’s primary campaign’s descent into a figurative “dick- measuring contest” during candidate events, interviews and even debates. While many have criticized such exchanges, pointing to them as symbolic of a larger problem, a part of the GOP’s identity crisis or the further erosion of civility in politics, […]

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