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    The ‘private’ life of US politics part one: affect, intimacy and Trump

The ‘private’ life of US politics part one: affect, intimacy and Trump

by Kate Gilchrist 

Like many, I have watched closely the rise in political appeal of Donald Trump to become the US presidential candidate, with as much horror as fascination. There have been lots of explanations for what was considered a very unlikely scenario not so long ago (although Trump’s election as president was famously predicted in a now more chilling, […]

October 10th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|

The EU and Gender Equality: better off in, or out?


by Ania Plomien

It is results day for the UK Referendum on membership of the European Union and I am on my way to Bucharest to give a talk on inequalities in contemporary Europe. Waiting to board the flight I catch fragments of speeches sprinkled with words like ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant’, ‘generous’, ‘progressive’ and ‘European’. Condescending, as they are spoken by […]

Politics aimed at participation: A critical analysis of role of civil society and women groups affecting peace in Afghanistan

Many Afghans, and the international community, reckon the inclusion of civil society and women in the political processes of Afghanistan as crucial for the success of the ongoing peace talks. Paffenholz and Spurk, while emphasizing on the importance of civil society’s role in peace building, state ‘’There is also agreement that non-governmental peace initiatives are as needed as official or […]

So many ‘Years of the Woman’, so little time

In this post, Kimberly Killen warns readers to be wary when reading media reports of the “Year of the Woman,” as they can be cyclical and paint a misleading portrait of women in politics. In the last two decades, the media have become fond of a particular electoral frame – the “Year of the Woman”. It has been circulated in […]

October 10th, 2012|Politics|0 Comments|

Now You See Her, Now You Don’t: U.S. Women and the Current Battle Over Contraception

In this post, LSE MSc Gender, Media, and Culture student Kimberly Killen reviews the current debate over contraception in the U.S.A. and asks, ‘Where are the women?” Something funny is happening in the USA. In the past few months, and especially the last couple of weeks, women’s health issues have re-emerged in the political realm with renewed passion and vitriol. However, […]

February 17th, 2012|Politics|3 Comments|

One Gay Day: Heteronormativity in Action

Emma Spruce, a PhD student at the Gender Institute, writes a witty critique of how heteronormativity functions in everyday interactions and how labeling from outside and within the LGBTQI community inhibits identity formation, recognition, and social change. This article has been published collaboratively with LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings Blog to mark LGBT History Month. I let the […]

February 5th, 2012|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Where Are the Women?

Professor Mary Evans, Centennial Professor at LSE’s Gender Institute, reviews the past few months of global politics and argues for a continued need for a gendered analysis of world events.

Where’s Wally ? is an illustrated children’s book in which children are invited to find, amidst the hundreds of other characters on each page, the elusive Wally. Watching newsreels and reading newspapers […]

October 13th, 2011|Politics, Society|1 Comment|

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