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    Indian Apathy and Systemic Violence against Women in Kashmir

Indian Apathy and Systemic Violence against Women in Kashmir

by Zohra Batul

Violent discourse legitimizes violence and creates incentives for the populist government to make vindictive policies.

The reality of Indian democracy is most conspicuously exposed in Kashmir, a truth that no nationalist Indian wants to hear. On August 5, 2019, the Indian state stripped Kashmir of article-370 followed by the denial of very essential rights via regular crackdowns on […]

September 14th, 2020|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Coercion and Agency in Zimbabwean Sex Work

by Boetumelo Julianne Nyasulu

With the patriarchal structures, deteriorating economic state, and constrained employment opportunities within Zimbabwean society, comes an issue that Laura Agustin describes as the “conundrum of agency” within sex work. That is, the tension and challenges that emerge between force and choice in work in the sex industry. Eurocentric notions of agency understand it as “the ability […]

  • Permalink Photo credit: Luis Bahamondes, Instagram @luis_bahamondesGallery

    What should I do? Reflections on the social outbreak in Chile

What should I do? Reflections on the social outbreak in Chile

by Paula Hollstein Barría

This article was written during the first days of November 2019, approximately two weeks after the so-called social unrest in Chile had been started. Numerical data have been updated until the date of issue. A Spanish version of this post is also available here.

The president declared a state of exception. Social media calls on us daily to […]

December 19th, 2019|Featured, History, Politics|0 Comments|

Using Gender to Understand how Daesh/Islamic State Governs

by Katherine E. Brown


A destroyed part of Raqqa. Photo Credit: Mahmoud Bali (VOA)

Since I wrote that so-called Islamic State (known as Daesh or ISIS) is a proto-state in Revisiting Gendered States in early 2018, it no longer governs territory the size of Britain. This has led many to anticipate its imminent demise as a governing entity, reducing its status […]

February 20th, 2019|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|

The Attack Against Mamá Maquín and Guatemala’s “Eternal Spring”

2016 will mark 20 years since the signature of the Guatemalan Peace Accords, which brought an end to Guatemala’s 36-year long armed conflict and genocide. The war’s casualties included over 200,000 mostly Mayan indigenous lives and thousands of disappeared and displaced. Yet, despite being a country officially at peace, high rates of ongoing violence – from violent crime to attacks […]

September 28th, 2015|Politics, Society|0 Comments|
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    Sarah Schulman on ‘Conflict Is Not Abuse’: Rethinking Community Responsibility Outside of the State Apparatus

Sarah Schulman on ‘Conflict Is Not Abuse’: Rethinking Community Responsibility Outside of the State Apparatus

Abuse as ‘Power Over’ and Conflict as ‘Power Struggle’ Sarah Schulman, a long-standing U.S. activist and author of internationally recognized novels, plays and films, was invited to participate in the 2015 Sexuality Summer School on queer art and activism, held in May at the University of Manchester. From her engagement with Act Up in New York in the late 1980s […]

The gendering of spaces in Ciudad Juarez: a comment on Dr Wright’s lecture

Lauren Maffeo is studying an MSc in Gender, Media and Culture at the LSE’s Gender Institute. In this post she discusses Dr Melissa Wright’s recent talk at the LSE about the gendering of spaces through the drug war violence in Mexico. For those of the equality post-feminist persuasion, the idea of feminism is finished. This is not because it is […]

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