women and politics

  • Photo of Marine Le Pen at a campaign rally
    Permalink Photo credit: Blandine Le CainGallery

    Marine Le Pen’s Woman Card: The re-alignment of female voters in a traditionally masculine game

Marine Le Pen’s Woman Card: The re-alignment of female voters in a traditionally masculine game

by Sjifra de Leeuw

The nation and by extent nationalist politics is traditionally rendered a male game. In the most recent French presidential race this status quo has been challenged by a female contender, namely Marine Le Pen. In this post I ask what role Marine Le Pen’s gender played in the mobilisation of voters and argue that Le Pen’s electoral success […]

August 7th, 2017|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|

The EU and Gender Equality: better off in, or out?


by Ania Plomien

It is results day for the UK Referendum on membership of the European Union and I am on my way to Bucharest to give a talk on inequalities in contemporary Europe. Waiting to board the flight I catch fragments of speeches sprinkled with words like ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant’, ‘generous’, ‘progressive’ and ‘European’. Condescending, as they are spoken by […]

Politics aimed at participation: A critical analysis of role of civil society and women groups affecting peace in Afghanistan

Many Afghans, and the international community, reckon the inclusion of civil society and women in the political processes of Afghanistan as crucial for the success of the ongoing peace talks. Paffenholz and Spurk, while emphasizing on the importance of civil society’s role in peace building, state ‘’There is also agreement that non-governmental peace initiatives are as needed as official or […]

Special US Election Blog Blitz

Here’s a round-up of posts related to US politics and gender that have appeared on Engenderings in the past year to get you geared up. Happy voting!

Amanda Conroy ( @amanda_conroy )  has opinions on on Republicans, Julian Assange and how we understand rape.

Be wary of the notion of the “Year of the Woman”, says Kimi Killen.

Linnea Sandstrom Lange doesn’t shy away from […]

November 6th, 2012|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

So many ‘Years of the Woman’, so little time

In this post, Kimberly Killen warns readers to be wary when reading media reports of the “Year of the Woman,” as they can be cyclical and paint a misleading portrait of women in politics. In the last two decades, the media have become fond of a particular electoral frame – the “Year of the Woman”. It has been circulated in […]

October 10th, 2012|Politics|0 Comments|

France, Hollande and the Future of Gender Equality

Sophie Drouet is a masters candidate in the MSc in Gender, Policy and Inequalities programme at the LSE and was a politics student at Sciences Po Lille.  She explores the potential meanings of the election of Francois Hollande in France for gender equality, particularly for women in France.   François Hollande, who defeated the incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy by a […]

Now You See Her, Now You Don’t: U.S. Women and the Current Battle Over Contraception

In this post, LSE MSc Gender, Media, and Culture student Kimberly Killen reviews the current debate over contraception in the U.S.A. and asks, ‘Where are the women?” Something funny is happening in the USA. In the past few months, and especially the last couple of weeks, women’s health issues have re-emerged in the political realm with renewed passion and vitriol. However, […]

February 17th, 2012|Politics|3 Comments|

The Pains of Rendering The Iron Lady ‘Palatable’

  In this post, LSE MSc Gender, Media, & Culture student Kimberly Killen explores her reaction to the film The Iron Lady. She looks at how the film portrays a woman in power and the problems that arise therein.   Let me get this out of the way: Meryl Streep is great in the film The Iron Lady. That’s not […]

Alasia Nuti Reviews Birgit Schippers’ Julia Kristeva and Feminist Thought

Alasia Nuti, an MSc student at the Gender Institute, reviews Birgit Schipper’s new book on Julia Kristeva and feminist philosophy. Ultimately, the most valuable part of the Schipper’s book is that it does what feminism does best: applying ideas in unexplored and unconventional contexts and being original in its dismantlement of reality.   “O Kristeva, Kristeva, wherefore art thou not feminist?” […]

January 31st, 2012|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Nadine Dorries’ abstinence sex education is bad policy: young women need sex-positive sex education

  Sophie Drouet is a politics student at Sciences Po Lille and is currently pursuing an MSc in Gender, Policy and Inequalities at the LSE. In this post, she discusses Nadine Dorries’ proposed amendment to the sex education bill which suggests that young women be taught additional classes on the benefits of abstinence. Conservative MP Nadine Dorries’ proposed amendment to […]

January 19th, 2012|Politics, Society|1 Comment|

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