gender ideology

  • Picture of painting Innocence, picturing a child with a sleeping dragon
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    Whose freedom, and from what?: The child as cipher for a (transnational) politics of ‘traditional values’

Whose freedom, and from what?: The child as cipher for a (transnational) politics of ‘traditional values’

by Maria Brock

Awareness of increasing (and increasingly politicised) sentiment against so-called ‘gender ideology’ is spreading, and no longer merely confined to academic and activist circles. Indeed, while her work is considered notoriously inaccessible to those outside academe, Judith Butler, one of the icons of gender and queer theory since the publication of Gender Trouble (1990), enraged far right Christian […]

  • People praying on a wooden bench
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    Gender Ideology, religious fundamentalism and the electoral campaign (2017-2018) in Costa Rica

Gender Ideology, religious fundamentalism and the electoral campaign (2017-2018) in Costa Rica

by Gabriela Arguedas-Ramírez

Neoliberalism, anxiety and gender ideology [1]

The neoliberal economic system has triggered profound cultural, political and economic transformations, causing suffering and anguish to millions of people who live every single day, trying to cope with an overwhelming sense of abandonment, indifference and uncertainty.

In her book Strangers in their own land, sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild explores the reasons and emotions that […]

November 7th, 2018|Anti-gender, Featured|2 Comments|

Dženderizam nesting in Serbia

by Adriana Zaharijević

Until recently, there were no gender panics in Serbia. We had our own little panics about local culprits, scapegoats and traitors, targeted mostly at anti-nationalists and anti-war activists, many of which were indeed women and some self-declared feminists. The so called ‘homosexual agenda’, a Serbian precedent of ‘gender agenda’, has been to a certain extent discussed among […]

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    Heteroactivism: Why examining ‘gender ideology’ isn’t enough

Heteroactivism: Why examining ‘gender ideology’ isn’t enough

by Kath Browne and Catherine Nash

This is the first blog in a series of posts on transnational anti-gender politics jointly called by the LSE Department of Gender Studies and Engenderings with the aim of discussing how we can make sense of and resist the current attacks on gender studies, ‘gender ideology’ and individuals working within the field.

Gender ideology is […]

Transnational Anti-Gender Politics

In light of the recent ban of gender studies in Hungary, the LSE Department of Gender Studies and Engenderings are calling for contributions to a blog post series on transnational anti-gender politics. Not only in Hungary have gender studies and feminist thought become the target of vicious attacks. In Germany, gender studies are consistently targeted as a pseudo-science that […]

  • A person pictured from behind carrying a large white flag with an outline of children and adults holding hands and Cyrillic text underneath.
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    ‘Traditional values’ for the 99%? The new gender ideology in Russia

‘Traditional values’ for the 99%? The new gender ideology in Russia

by Daria Ukhova

Challenges posed to women’s rights and gender equality by neoconservative ‘pro-family’ and ‘anti-gender’ forces have been drawing attention of gender scholars and activists from across the globe (see the recent post by Sonia Corrêa in this blog). Using Russia as a case, in this post I take a closer look at the ‘traditional values’ ideology and the […]

January 15th, 2018|Featured, Politics, Society|2 Comments|
  • Black and white image of a demonstration with many women in the foreground carrying babies in slings and others holding banners and placards.
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    Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

By Sonia Corrêa

In the first week of November, 2017, Judith Butler was viciously attacked in Brazil by a heterogeneous group of actors who define themselves as anti-gender,[1] a regrettable episode caught the attention of both the media and international and global North academics. This well-orchestrated political formation is not new and much less peculiarly Brazilian. As analysed by numerous of […]

December 11th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|13 Comments|

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