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    The Struggle for Women’s Reproductive Rights; A Southeast Asian Perspective

The Struggle for Women’s Reproductive Rights; A Southeast Asian Perspective

by Maya Bofa

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the […]

  • Protest image in which the trans flag and a sign reading "Black Trans Lives Matter" are visible
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    Re-centring white victimhood in the age of Black Lives Matter: a ‘gender critical’ project?

Re-centring white victimhood in the age of Black Lives Matter: a ‘gender critical’ project?

By Ilaria Michelis

Self-proclaimed ‘gender critical’ feminists have grown increasingly loud within the UK political space over recent years. The last few months alone have provided ample evidence of their expanding influence within governmental circles, non-profit and corporate environments. The impact of their rhetoric and political action has been and will continue to be devastating for trans people, from the […]

  • US capitol building
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    Women’s Policy Interests in the Public and Why They Matter

Women’s Policy Interests in the Public and Why They Matter

by Tevfik Murat Yildirim

Since Hanna Pitkin’s seminal work on representation, political theorists have long questioned the extent to which women’s policy interests and concerns can be represented by male politicians in legislatures. Due to women’s shared experiences and perspectives within the broader public, the argument goes on, electing more women to legislatures might further the substantive representation of women. While […]

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    “Let me fix my weave”: Ethical business, redemption, and the transnational human hair trade

“Let me fix my weave”: Ethical business, redemption, and the transnational human hair trade

“Let me fix my weave”: Ethical business, redemption, and the transnational Human Hair Trade

by Solène Bryson

Earlier this year, US customs seized an 11.8 tonne shipment of weaves and other beauty accessories made from human hair, suspected to be sourced from people locked inside a Xinjiang internment camp in China (Taipei Times, 2020). Unfortunately, news coverage on the exploitative character of […]

  • Vintage travel poster reading "Jamaica, the Gem of the Tropics" showing palm tree and beach landscape
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    Why white women crying is still racist: The work of trauma narratives in self-stories of transracialism

Why white women crying is still racist: The work of trauma narratives in self-stories of transracialism

by Alanah Mortlock

The thing about writing your PhD on transracialism is that whenever one of these stories breaks, you’re the first person everyone you know wants to send it to. So when the Jessica Krug story broke in early September, I didn’t have to go looking for it: it was delivered directly to me by well-meaning acquaintances and loved […]

The Travel/Trial of Intersectionality

by Manjari Sahay

To mark 30 years of ‘intersectionality’ since Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the concept in her article ‘Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex’, the Department of Gender Studies, LSE organised a day-long celebration on 29 May 2019. The conference showcased scholarly and activist reflections underlining the centrality of intersectionality and its conceptual purchase across disciplines and locations. […]

Night Writing: breath, love, wings

by Yasmin Gunaratnam 

To mark 30 years of ‘intersectionality’ since Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the concept in her article ‘Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex’, the Department of Gender Studies, LSE organised a day-long celebration on 29 May 2019. The conference showcased scholarly and activist reflections underlining the centrality of intersectionality and its conceptual purchase across disciplines and locations. […]

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    Interrogating Trudeau’s Brand of Equality “Because it’s 2015”

Interrogating Trudeau’s Brand of Equality “Because it’s 2015”

by Julia Hartviksen Last week, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper tendered his resignation after nearly ten years of Conservative government under his leadership. On Wednesday, Justin Trudeau was sworn in as Canada’s new Prime Minister, after one of the longest election periods in Canadian history. He took his oath alongside his newly appointed cabinet of 15 women and 15 […]

November 9th, 2015|Politics|0 Comments|

Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, Race and Age in the Privileging of Coupledom

Earlier this year LSE held an event to commemorate the sociologist Ulrich Beck. Beck was prominent in developing the theory of reflexive modernity and the related concept of the transformation of intimacy. Such a theory suggests that postmodern society is characterised by diversification, freedom and fluidity within intimate relationships where non-traditional forms of love are being reflexively constructed into ‘elective […]

April 13th, 2015|Society|0 Comments|

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