Higher Education

A love-letter to my Bookcase

by Ania Plomien

About a year ago, on February 14th 2023, I read out this letter at a UCU Four Fights strike teach-out. The industrial action for fair pay, sustainable workloads, gender, race and disability equality, and eradicating casualisation ended in September after a months-long marking and assessment boycott. All these struggles remain relevant in the face of persistent economy-wide […]

The X marks us all: the lingering, living liminalities we write with

by Q Manivannan
“The code-name losses and compensations

Float in and around us through the window.

It helps to know what direction the body comes from.

It isn’t absolutely clear. In words

Bitter as a field of mustard we

Copy certain parts, then decline them.

These are not only gestures: they imply

Complex relations with one another…”

All Kinds of Caresses, John Ashberry

I gather and bundle together the […]

(Anti-)Gender and international relations

by Sarah Smith

As someone interested in gender and its relationships with security, peace and conflict, I am often asked about the relevance of gender to understanding these phenomena. What does a gender perspective bring to the study of global politics, to our understanding of war, and to our attempts to build peace? What does feminist theory say about international […]

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    Heteroactivism: Why examining ‘gender ideology’ isn’t enough

Heteroactivism: Why examining ‘gender ideology’ isn’t enough

by Kath Browne and Catherine Nash

This is the first blog in a series of posts on transnational anti-gender politics jointly called by the LSE Department of Gender Studies and Engenderings with the aim of discussing how we can make sense of and resist the current attacks on gender studies, ‘gender ideology’ and individuals working within the field.

Gender ideology is […]

Curriculum Reform in UK Higher Education

by Priya Raghavan

I recently had the opportunity to work as an RA on a transnational review of readings for a Gender course, with an aim to incorporate more thinking from the ‘Global South’. The rather formidable undertaking proved in equal parts challenging, rewarding, and deeply unsettling. Efforts to interrogate epistemic practices in universities draw from a veritable history of academic and […]

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    Open Letter to the LSE Re: Racialised Harassment and Access to Space at LSE

Open Letter to the LSE Re: Racialised Harassment and Access to Space at LSE

by The Participants of “Neglected Encounters”
We are writing to express our anger and dismay at the racist profiling and harassment experienced by several participants at a workshop hosted at the LSE on April 20th-21st. We write to draw your attention to the fact that this incident, while troubling and unacceptable in its own right, should be understood in the context of […]

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    Tackling sexual harassment and bullying in higher education: towards a more comprehensive policy response

Tackling sexual harassment and bullying in higher education: towards a more comprehensive policy response

by the Alliance of Women in Academia

Bullying and sexual harassment are gaining unprecedented visibility with Hollywood’s #timesup movement and the adoption of #metoo. We know that bullying and sexual harassment exists in every sector and in every country, and academia is no exception. As with other sectors, the current culture of limited opportunities and resources requires individuals to compete […]

May 30th, 2018|Featured, Policy|1 Comment|
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    Do ask and do tell: Should universities be asking PhD students to give more feedback?

Do ask and do tell: Should universities be asking PhD students to give more feedback?

The dire situation of mental health in the academy has been discussed extensively and studies show that PhD students are faring particularly poorly – in a paper published in Research Policy, Katia Levecque et al. argue that: ‘one in two PhD students experiences psychological distress’ whilst ‘one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.’ The authors also claim that: ‘the prevalence […]

The Post-Strike Landscape

by Left of Brown and Sisters of Resistance


In a world of possibility for us all, our personal visions help lay the groundwork for political action.
– Audre Lorde

As of 12 March 2018, we are in the post-strike landscape. The terms of the ‘agreement’ reached yesterday are unsatisfactory and the outcome has demonstrated the extent of the leadership crisis in the sector. Neither […]

Solidarity with striking university staff across the UK

by members of the Engenderings editorial collective

At the Engenderings editorial collective we are disappointed not to be striking alongside our colleagues from other institutions. The LSE UCU branch failed to reach the 50% turnout required for a mandate to take industrial action, although 90% of the not-quite-half of the union members balloted voted for strike action in the first […]

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