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    The Many Partitions: Retrieving the Erased Experiences of Women

The Many Partitions: Retrieving the Erased Experiences of Women

by Aarushi Anand and Parthika Sharma

Content Warning: The following article contains sensitive content related to the Partition and engages with topics of violence, sexual assault, trauma, suicide, and death. The content may trigger emotional distress. Reader discretion is advised.
I am also of humankind

I am the sign of that injury,

The symbol of that accident,

Which, in the clash of changing times,

Inevitably hit […]

Palestine: A ‘Test’ for Feminist Foreign Policy

By Layla Saleh
The war in Gaza has drawn extensive attention to human rights violations, student activism, and warring propaganda narratives. No amount of counting can adequately attest to the over 20,000 Palestinians killed by Israelis and the damage to homes, livelihoods, and personhoods. This blog post, however, considers the current war in Gaza from the perspective of Feminist Foreign […]

Gender as psychoanalysis’ act of citizenship

By Carolina Besoain

In 2021, Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini received the first Tiresias Award[1] from the Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies Committee (S&GDSC) of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA)[2] for their work titled A feminine boy: normative investments and reparative fantasy at the intersections of gender, race, and religion. However, they faced obstacles when attempting to publish the article in […]

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    A Longstanding Fear: LGBT Panic, Conservative Islamic Backlash, and Queer Islamic Resistance in Indonesia

A Longstanding Fear: LGBT Panic, Conservative Islamic Backlash, and Queer Islamic Resistance in Indonesia

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the region. […]

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    Genealogías, significados y efectos del feminismo anti-género en América Latina

Genealogías, significados y efectos del feminismo anti-género en América Latina

Por Diana Granados

Este texto es una adaptación de la presentación realizada en el evento “Mapeo y resistencia al fantasma de género en América Latina: Geografías de los movimientos ‘anti-género’”, el cual forma parte del proyecto AHRC-LSE sobre “Movimientos Transnacionales ‘Anti-Género’ y Resistencia: Narrativas e Intervenciones”. Dos de lxs expositorxs han puesto a disposición sus presentaciones en formato columna tanto […]


By Kristyna Brozova

The Netflix show, Mo, is the intimate interplay in which memories of homeland carried by the steadfast Palestinian mother open possibilities for an alternative politics of decolonial resistance through the intergenerational connection to the self. The semi-autobiographical story, which maps the struggle of an undocumented refugee as he navigates the neoliberal system, has been praised for giving Palestine […]

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    “Chinese don’t do gender”: Contestations against the Western neoliberal import of the term “gender” by critical socialist feminists

“Chinese don’t do gender”: Contestations against the Western neoliberal import of the term “gender” by critical socialist feminists

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the region. […]

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    Hindu supremacism, ‘anti-gender’ politics, and feminist resistance

Hindu supremacism, ‘anti-gender’ politics, and feminist resistance

by Kalpana Wilson

This contribution was first presented at the 2 December 2022 workshop on Transnational “Anti-Gender” Politics and Resistance, part of the AHRC-LSE project on Transnational ‘Anti-Gender’ Movements and Resistance: Narratives and Interventions.

Listening to Tooba Syed[i] speaking about the struggles in which feminist movements in Pakistan are currently engaged, the resonances with the current situation in India are inescapable. […]

Clubbing without the club

by Nina Bo Wagner

NB: see at the bottom of this article for a mix from the London rave scene, for optional listening while reading.

The club as a location would seem inherent to clubbing. However, during lockdown in London these locations were made unavailable. As a result, clubbing temporarily moved exclusively online. At this time, I wanted to undertake documenting queer […]

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    Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

by Tunay Altay

On 14 April 2021, a group of students from Turkey’s Middle East Technical University (Ortadogu Teknik Universiversitesi, ODTÜ) gathered at a staircase on campus in Ankara. This staircase was no different from any other staircase on the 11,100-acre campus, yet this was the third time in a fortnight that the students had met at the same point, carrying […]

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