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    A Longstanding Fear: LGBT Panic, Conservative Islamic Backlash, and Queer Islamic Resistance in Indonesia

A Longstanding Fear: LGBT Panic, Conservative Islamic Backlash, and Queer Islamic Resistance in Indonesia

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the region. […]

The many faces of feminism in Eurasia

by Karolina Kluczewska and Laura Luciani 

In many countries around the world, feminist politics are marginalised or face resistance from governments and societies alike – and this is also the case in post-socialist Eurasia. As an additional challenge, gender-related discourses in this region are dominated by international donors, which promote a one-size-fits-all, neoliberal approach based on universal human rights and gender equality […]

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    Connecting feminist and value struggles to improve our world

Connecting feminist and value struggles to improve our world

by Ania Plomien

This piece is a part of our Strike Archive, the only content we will be publishing throughout the UCU strike in February and March 2022. In it, we publish teach-outs delivered by our friends and colleagues at the LSE Department of Gender Studies in December 2021, as they withdrew their labour from the LSE in the first […]

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    Feminist Movements Around the World: Creating feminist community during COVID-19

Feminist Movements Around the World: Creating feminist community during COVID-19

by Milena D’Atri

When I decided to come to London to do my masters in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic, I knew it was going to be hard. A big reason for why I chose LSE was the international community that characterises this university: I was excited to learn about feminist politics from all over the globe and connect […]

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    Aborting in Isolation: Observations on Argentine abortion activism during COVID-19

Aborting in Isolation: Observations on Argentine abortion activism during COVID-19

By Lea Happ[1]

Over the past months, as Argentina has been in lockdown due to COVID-19, the feminist network Socorristas en Red has tried to make people’s experience of abortion as safe as possible. The Socorristas, literally translating to ‘lifesavers’, is a feminist network dedicated to improving the safety of criminalised abortions. They frame their work as supporting those who […]

Exploring the Wreck

(after Adrienne Rich)

by Clare Hemmings

Featured photographs are from ongoing photo series Skin Deep by Sakshi Parikh. Published with permission for this blog post.

I tell people off every day. I tell my parents off for not staying home early enough. They are in their eighties, and I crow with satisfaction about having saved their lives when my chiding means they […]

  • Permalink Photo credit: Luis Bahamondes, Instagram @luis_bahamondesGallery

    What should I do? Reflections on the social outbreak in Chile

What should I do? Reflections on the social outbreak in Chile

by Paula Hollstein Barría

This article was written during the first days of November 2019, approximately two weeks after the so-called social unrest in Chile had been started. Numerical data have been updated until the date of issue. A Spanish version of this post is also available here.

The president declared a state of exception. Social media calls on us daily to […]

December 19th, 2019|Featured, History, Politics|0 Comments|
  • Image of four women at a desk, three seated and one standing up speaking into a microphone
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    From “Gender Bashing” to the Dangers of Co-Optation: Gender Studies in Japan

From “Gender Bashing” to the Dangers of Co-Optation: Gender Studies in Japan

by Chelsea Szendi Schieder

Note: Following Japanese conventions, Japanese names are listed family name first.

I met Professor Andrea Peto (CEU) in fall 2018 in Budapest, when I had reached out to her while on a research visit to hear about the fate of Central European University and particularly of gender studies as an accredited graduate school program in Hungary. Gender […]

  • Picture of two young people holding rainbow flag
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    Queering the ‘Global Gay’: How Transnational LGBT Language Disrupts the Global/Local Binary

Queering the ‘Global Gay’: How Transnational LGBT Language Disrupts the Global/Local Binary

By Khin Su

Each year students on the LSE Gender MSc course Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation present independent research papers at an all-day student conference. This year’s conference “Globalising Desire / Locating Power” took place on 29 March 2019 and in this series of posts a selection of students present their interventions from the conference.

Coming from a post-colonial perspective, I find […]

June 20th, 2019|Featured, Society|0 Comments|
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    Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Posters In and About the British Women’s Suffrage Movement

Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Posters In and About the British Women’s Suffrage Movement

by Dean Cooper-Cunningham

In 2018, the UK celebrated the centenary of (some) women’s suffrage. This came on the back of the Global Women’s Marches that protested the election of Donald Trump following his anti-women statements and the more general anti-feminist sentiment (re)surging worldwide. What became clear from the Women’s Marches was the power of visual material in protests. Protestors used […]

March 18th, 2019|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|

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