
Psychoanalyses and gender affirmation

by Tomás Ojeda and Trinidad Avaria

An earlier version of this article first appeared in Revista Barbarie on 9 May 2023, and this translated and slightly updated version is reposted here with permission.
“What is a travesti? When did you realise that you were like that? Do you feel discriminated against? How does it feel to be a lesbian? How many cases of intersexuality are […]

Letters to Myself: Trans Joy in Troubling Times

by Cal Brantley

Mural from Austin, TX, USA, April 2023
Why does the LGBTQ+ community unify the most during queer/transphobic tragedy or political attacks? It is true that life is unfortunately nasty, brutish, and short for too many trans siblings around the world–but too often, our arguments for trans rights are framed only around alleviating our suffering.

Trans suicide and murder rates. […]

  • Protest image in which the trans flag and a sign reading "Black Trans Lives Matter" are visible
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    Re-centring white victimhood in the age of Black Lives Matter: a ‘gender critical’ project?

Re-centring white victimhood in the age of Black Lives Matter: a ‘gender critical’ project?

By Ilaria Michelis

Self-proclaimed ‘gender critical’ feminists have grown increasingly loud within the UK political space over recent years. The last few months alone have provided ample evidence of their expanding influence within governmental circles, non-profit and corporate environments. The impact of their rhetoric and political action has been and will continue to be devastating for trans people, from the […]

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    Back to where we always have been: sex/gender segregation to contain Covid-19

Back to where we always have been: sex/gender segregation to contain Covid-19

by Sonia Corrêa[1]
But, people die, don´t they? Yes, indeed. However, the current naturalization of death erases thinking – Santiago López Petit
In the first week of April, the international press reported that, in order to reduce drastically the circulation of people, the governments of Panama and Peru defined a sex/gender criterion to establish the rotation of who can or cannot […]

  • Aerial photo of Central London at sunset
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    How Media and Police Still Fail London’s Queer and Trans* Residents When Dealing With Hate-Motivated Violence

How Media and Police Still Fail London’s Queer and Trans* Residents When Dealing With Hate-Motivated Violence

by Sean Cartwright

Each year students on the LSE Gender MSc course Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation present independent research papers at an all-day student conference. This year’s conference “Globalising Desire / Locating Power” took place on 29 March 2019 and in this series of posts a selection of students present their interventions from the conference.

On the 17th of November, 2018 […]

The politics of AI and scientific research on sexuality

by Jessica Sandelson

We are often told that there is no place for politics in objective research. The scientific tradition has built rigorous methodologies to get rid of bias, and presents itself as untouched by the messy social world. But what should we make of the claim that politics is irrelevant in science?

In late 2017, a forthcoming study in the Journal […]

Radical Feminist Conference 2012 – Radically Limited?

In this post, Sarah Burton explores the radical feminist stance of the RadFem 2012 conference organizers in relation to the term ‘women born women living as women’. She considers if indeed it is possible to neatly and clearly delineate the word ‘woman’ and argues that binary and static notions of identity categories obscures the real, tangible ways in which ordinary […]

The Transmen Community is Still Overshadowed by Phallocentric Logic in Malaysia

Alicia Izharuddin asks why the transmen community in Malaysia is regularly marginalised and continues to be poorly understood even within liberal and activist circles. This article has been published collaboratively by LSE Equality and Diversity and LSE Engenderings blog to mark LGBT History Month. In several scenes from the recent but quickly forgotten Malaysian film, ‘Aku Bukan Tomboy’ (I’m Not a […]

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