
Extractivism and the Coloniality of Knowledge Production

by Sumi Madhok

This piece is a part of our Strike Archive, the only content we will be publishing throughout the UCU strike in February and March 2022. In it, we publish teach-outs delivered by our friends and colleagues at the LSE Department of Gender Studies in December 2021, as they withdrew their labour from the LSE in the first […]

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    A Cursory Glance at Hawaii’s Economic Revival Policy: The Intersection of Feminist Economics and Good Governance.

A Cursory Glance at Hawaii’s Economic Revival Policy: The Intersection of Feminist Economics and Good Governance.

by Isha Prakash and Tamanna Meghrajani

The battle against the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has effectively incapacitated economies of over 180 countries. This pandemic has adversely affected every sphere of the economy, from the educational sector to the tourism industry. Even the thought of rebuilding or restructuring this elaborate arrangement built over centuries seems unnerving but with a plethora of businesses […]

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    Mobile toilets and the urgent need for reflexivity in social entrepreneurship

Mobile toilets and the urgent need for reflexivity in social entrepreneurship

by Isabel Medem

Nine years ago I co-founded an organisation to design a novel toilet service for poor urban households in Lima, Peru. For a monthly fee we install a high-quality mobile dry toilet in a home and come by every week to pick up the accumulated feces in a container, thus removing hazardous waste from households and communities. This […]

  • Two boxes containing wooden spoons and banners with protest slogans.
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    When Solidarity Comes to the Rescue, We Need to Ask if it’s Equitable

When Solidarity Comes to the Rescue, We Need to Ask if it’s Equitable

By Ján Michalko

A wooden spoon. This humble kitchen utensil became the symbol for this year’s protest campaign of gender equality activists in Slovakia. At its launch, Zuzana Maďarová from feminist organisation ASPEKT explained that spoons represent women’s hidden and underappreciated care work. The campaigners thus turned to spoons to become beacons, bringing to the limelight gender-based inequalities that Slovak […]

  • Collage of issues linked to women's paid and unpaid work (baby, coins, broomstick, lipstick)
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    “Gender Equality as Smart Economics”: Questioning the Assumptions behind the Claim

“Gender Equality as Smart Economics”: Questioning the Assumptions behind the Claim

by Cecilia Berlanga Alessio Robles

Image credit: Ana G. Urdaneta

The “business case” for gender equality and women’s empowerment has become widely internalized, pursued and institutionalized by development agencies, national governments and corporate social responsibility initiatives. For decades, the idea of gender equality as smart economics has prevailed as the rationale behind policies and programs implemented mainly in low-income and developing countries. […]

July 23rd, 2020|Featured, Policy|0 Comments|
  • Photo of traditional Yemeni window
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    The Dilemma of Beating a Dead Horse in Women’s Empowerment Interventions in Yemen

The Dilemma of Beating a Dead Horse in Women’s Empowerment Interventions in Yemen

by Ghaidaa Motahar

There is a consensus that war and conflict bring pain and despair, and simultaneously solicit destructive social change. In Yemen’s conflict, where men are giving up their traditional role as the breadwinner to fight on different frontlines in the current conflict, women are taking over this responsibility alongside their traditional role as caregivers. The dual responsibility of […]

November 14th, 2019|Development, Featured|0 Comments|
  • A group of women siting together, each holding a small booklet in their hand
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    Rural women, financial inclusion and community investment funds in Pakistan: A successful pathway to sustainable development?

Rural women, financial inclusion and community investment funds in Pakistan: A successful pathway to sustainable development?

by Asmat Kakar

Patriarchy and sociocultural constraints, chronic poverty, limited access to financial institutions and lack of financial control means women in Pakistan face a litany of injustices. However, women in Pakistan can be empowered via financial inclusion and projects such as those in Sindh province with the National Rural Support Programme of Community Investment Funds can help. Development from below, […]

November 4th, 2019|Development, Featured|0 Comments|

Measuring women’s work—more vexing than you might think

By Naila Kabeer

Philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates cited “time poverty” as a top priority in their 2016 Annual Letter, referring to the unpaid work that disproportionately falls on women and shining a spotlight on one of the most vexing challenges economists and statisticians face: how to accurately measure women’s work.

New choruses demanding a data revolution to gauge progress toward the […]

  • Nepal Earthquake reconstruction, image of a young girl
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    Recovering from Nepal’s earthquake: It’s not only the ‘what’, but also the ‘how’ that matters

Recovering from Nepal’s earthquake: It’s not only the ‘what’, but also the ‘how’ that matters

By Jana Naujoks           One year ago, Nepal was devastated by a major earthquake that took over 8,700 lives and caused widespread destruction to 14 of the country’s 75 districts. One major and countless smaller aftershocks added to the carnage, casualties and immense trauma that people experienced. While on this day we want to honour and remember the lives that were […]

Is ActionAid’s gender-specific fundraising campaign progressive?

In September 2013 international NGO ActionAid launched a new fundraising campaign in the UK that aimed to raise awareness of the plight of women in refugee camps. The campaign poster features a black-and-white image of a Congolese woman, accompanied by the heading “The worst period of her life.” Underneath this statement is written: Imagine you’ve fled your home. You’ve lost […]

March 24th, 2014|Development|1 Comment|

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