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    Does access equal control for women with regards to land rights? Evidence from Punjab (Pakistan)

Does access equal control for women with regards to land rights? Evidence from Punjab (Pakistan)

By Hana Zahir

Protecting women’s land rights is a necessity for ensuring women’s empowerment (Agarwal, 2003). Land is a critical source of revenue through which women can secure subsistence and collateral. Therefore, enforcing and introducing legal reforms to protect women’s land rights, is a positive step that policymakers can take to empower women. However, these reforms come with many limitations. […]

  • Photo of traditional Yemeni window
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    The Dilemma of Beating a Dead Horse in Women’s Empowerment Interventions in Yemen

The Dilemma of Beating a Dead Horse in Women’s Empowerment Interventions in Yemen

by Ghaidaa Motahar

There is a consensus that war and conflict bring pain and despair, and simultaneously solicit destructive social change. In Yemen’s conflict, where men are giving up their traditional role as the breadwinner to fight on different frontlines in the current conflict, women are taking over this responsibility alongside their traditional role as caregivers. The dual responsibility of […]

November 14th, 2019|Development, Featured|0 Comments|
  • A group of women siting together, each holding a small booklet in their hand
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    Rural women, financial inclusion and community investment funds in Pakistan: A successful pathway to sustainable development?

Rural women, financial inclusion and community investment funds in Pakistan: A successful pathway to sustainable development?

by Asmat Kakar

Patriarchy and sociocultural constraints, chronic poverty, limited access to financial institutions and lack of financial control means women in Pakistan face a litany of injustices. However, women in Pakistan can be empowered via financial inclusion and projects such as those in Sindh province with the National Rural Support Programme of Community Investment Funds can help. Development from below, […]

November 4th, 2019|Development, Featured|0 Comments|
  • Painting of two women athletes or gymnasts leaping
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    Nike’s “Dream Crazier”- A new brand of Self Objectification

Nike’s “Dream Crazier”- A new brand of Self Objectification

by Anupriya Dhonchak [1]

Nike’s 90 seconds “Dream Crazier” advertisement, released last month during the Oscars stirred a multitude of emotion and introspection in both female and male viewers. It is a beautiful representation of sportswomen and their resilience despite being called “crazy” or “too emotional”. It shows that “masculine” qualities such as physical strength and ambition can co-exist with “feminine” […]

May 28th, 2019|Featured, Society|1 Comment|
  • A number of Kurdish women in Turkey, pictured from behind, wearing colourful Hijab headscarves
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    KADEM’s ‘Gender Justice’ or the Momentum of Anti-genderism in Turkey

KADEM’s ‘Gender Justice’ or the Momentum of Anti-genderism in Turkey

by Tutku Ayhan

Sumeyye Erdogan, daughter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the vice-chair of pro-government women’s organization KADEM [Kadin ve Demokrasi Dernegi / Women and Democracy Association] said the following during the opening of organization’s branch office in Aksaray: “KADEM bases itself on the wisdom of its own land, principles of its own faith. [As an organization] it […]

My curly hair / Meu cabelo crespo

by Adelimar da Conceição

Click here for Portuguese version

Everything started when my grandma called me to brush my hair, which was really voluminous and curly. I still remember how reluctant I was to brushing it when I was 5 years old.

Blows on the head, pinches and punishment… Crying was not permitted, nor was any movement to avoid the brush and […]

‘Where My Girls At?’: When Pop Goes Political

Laura Lazarus Frankel is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow pursuing a PhD in political science and a Certificate in Feminist Studies at Duke University, studying the politics of media, race, and gender. In this post she explores the gender and racial politics of Beyonce, Glee and “girl power”. Like many Americans of my generation, I have become obsessed […]

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