
Gender divisions in youth transitions – a matter of choice or something to be tackled?

The first steps young people take into the labour market matter. In our new report for the Trades Union Congress (TUC) – The Gender Jobs Split – we investigate how young men and women experience these first steps differently. A key finding of our report is the persistence of significant gender divisions in the occupations of young men and women, […]

November 11th, 2013|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

FEMEN and Malala as feminist protest ‘brands’ – Some polarities in feminist activism

On Sunday, October 20 2013, a friend and I had an amazing day of feminism: in the morning we watched the documentary Ukraine is not a Brothel about the controversial protest group FEMEN, followed by a Q&A with one of their members, Sasha Shevchenko, and in the afternoon we saw Malala Yousafzai speak about her campaigning work for girls’ education. It was an […]

November 6th, 2013|Society|0 Comments|

Conference Report: Gender, Neoliberalism, and Financial Crisis: Gendered Impacts and Feminist Alternatives

The politics of austerity and crisis are deeply gendered and open up a wide range of feminist debates around neoliberalism, resistance, and gender justice.  The Gender, Neoliberalism, and Financial Crisis Postgraduate Conference, which took place at the University of York on 27 September 2013, sought to map the multiple impacts of financial crisis, austerity, and neoliberalism on women and to […]

October 23rd, 2013|Politics, Society|5 Comments|

Recognising Religious Women as Feminist Subjects: The Case of Catholic Feminists in Brazil

The position of white Western feminists regarding religious women, and more specifically Muslim women, is increasingly contested. In Western discourses, religious women are considered either too oppressed to speak for themselves or too dominated to express a real “free choice” (Delphy 2008; Scott 2007). By locking them in this subjugated position, feminist theory denies religious women agency and capacity to […]

September 23rd, 2013|Arts & Culture, Society|1 Comment|

More chairs, please

Those hoping for progress towards gender equality in UK big business shouldn’t expect to see it any time soon. The Financial Times recently reported a slowdown in female appointments to FTSE 100 boards, according to data from the Professional Boards Forum (PBF). Key findings include the following gloomy facts:  just 12 per cent of directors appointed in the two months […]

July 31st, 2013|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Politics aimed at participation: A critical analysis of role of civil society and women groups affecting peace in Afghanistan

Many Afghans, and the international community, reckon the inclusion of civil society and women in the political processes of Afghanistan as crucial for the success of the ongoing peace talks. Paffenholz and Spurk, while emphasizing on the importance of civil society’s role in peace building, state ‘’There is also agreement that non-governmental peace initiatives are as needed as official or […]

Where have all the cyberfeminists gone? Part 2

In a prequel to this post I have briefly introduced the history of the cyberfeminist movement and some developments leading to the status quo. Here, I would like to think about its legacy and potential contemporary relevance. In the introduction to Cyberfeminism 2.0, Gajjala and Ju Oh ask “where have all the cyberfeminists gone?” Were I prompted for a marginally informed guess, I […]

What was/is cyberfeminism? Part 1

 The World Wide Web recently celebrated its 20th birthday, commemorating April 30 1993, when this document effectively placed it in the public domain. For the first time, a wider public was able to access websites, produce content and organise online. One such early instance of online organising was cyberfeminism, a “largely nomadic, spontaneous, and anarchic” (Wilding et al. 1998:47) brand of feminist activism in what was then often […]

The violent cartographies of violence- the imaginative rape geography of Congo

A few years ago if you’d asked me about Congo I wouldn’t have known very much about it. I knew where it was located on the world map… the geographical world map. As for the social, political, cultural, economical world map, I didn’t quite know where to place it. My interest in violence against women around the world, however, brought […]

Rape culture, Taylor Swift and silencing women who speak up

Friday nights are a sacred space. I enjoy coming home to do my laundry, tidy up my room…and shamelessly sing off pitched lyrics to ditties that are oddly reminiscent of my high school freshman diary while I simultaneously dance around in my running spankies and jump on top of my bed. Friday night is Taylor Swift ‘n Sing Karaoke Clean-up […]

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