
A compulsory heteronormative university? The regulation of sexualities and identities in the UK higher education system

It is often believed that universities are open and progressive places where everyone can and express themselves. However, several studies highlight the ongoing discriminations against oppressed groups such as women, Black and LGBT people. The particular experience of LGBT students is quite difficult to capture as there is no consistent data collection and monitoring. It also represents an epistemological challenge […]

July 14th, 2014|Society|0 Comments|

Only Deeds: Twenty Years Later and Still Not Recognizing What It’s Like to Be a Woman in Philosophy

[trigger warning] Suppose I decide to rape Catharine MacKinnon before reviewing her book. (Carlin Romano, 1993,  The Nation) Suppose I decide to skip Carlin Romano’s latest pontification before blogging about him. Because I’m uncertain he understands the difference between being a feminist and being a ‘feminist’. Perhaps the better question is, suppose the discipline of philosophy valued the existence and […]

March 27th, 2014|Society|3 Comments|

Accessibility at the Go Feminist Conference

This past weekend, Amanda Conroy and Linnea Sandström, members of the Engenderings editorial collective, set up a stall at the Go Feminist conference held in London. This is what they got out of the experience.     Immediately upon arriving to the Go Feminist conference, it seemed different to other conferences; there were women transcribing what was being said by […]

February 7th, 2012|Society|3 Comments|

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