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So far Engenderings has created 27 entries.

Recognising Religious Women as Feminist Subjects: The Case of Catholic Feminists in Brazil

The position of white Western feminists regarding religious women, and more specifically Muslim women, is increasingly contested. In Western discourses, religious women are considered either too oppressed to speak for themselves or too dominated to express a real “free choice” (Delphy 2008; Scott 2007). By locking them in this subjugated position, feminist theory denies religious women agency and capacity to […]

September 23rd, 2013|Arts & Culture, Society|1 Comment|

Where have all the cyberfeminists gone? Part 2

In a prequel to this post I have briefly introduced the history of the cyberfeminist movement and some developments leading to the status quo. Here, I would like to think about its legacy and potential contemporary relevance. In the introduction to Cyberfeminism 2.0, Gajjala and Ju Oh ask “where have all the cyberfeminists gone?” Were I prompted for a marginally informed guess, I […]

What was/is cyberfeminism? Part 1

 The World Wide Web recently celebrated its 20th birthday, commemorating April 30 1993, when this document effectively placed it in the public domain. For the first time, a wider public was able to access websites, produce content and organise online. One such early instance of online organising was cyberfeminism, a “largely nomadic, spontaneous, and anarchic” (Wilding et al. 1998:47) brand of feminist activism in what was then often […]

Rape culture, Taylor Swift and silencing women who speak up

Friday nights are a sacred space. I enjoy coming home to do my laundry, tidy up my room…and shamelessly sing off pitched lyrics to ditties that are oddly reminiscent of my high school freshman diary while I simultaneously dance around in my running spankies and jump on top of my bed. Friday night is Taylor Swift ‘n Sing Karaoke Clean-up […]

Still dealing in dichotomies?!

On January 18, 2013, The New York Times reported anticipation among leading women of the world about the rise and globalization of women’s issues. A month later, however, The Observer reported a decline in women’s presence in British public life. So which is it? Are women’s issues genuinely featuring more seriously on the political agenda and are we truly witnessing […]

A reflection on how gender-related concerns are taken up in public debate, slip from view, and almost-but-not-quite make it

Dinara is approaching the end of her part-time MSc Gender, Development and Globalisation degree at the LSE’s Gender Institute. In addition to studying, she has spent the last two years managing the small but busy office of an energy efficiency consultancy. In this post she discusses how how gender slips off the agenda, and argues that we while affordable childcare is important, […]

March 21st, 2013|Uncategorized|1 Comment|

Women in ‘combat’: a revolution in the US military?

On the 24th January 2013, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta signed a directive which will open up ‘front-line combat’ posts in the US military to women. While this move puts the US military on similar terms to militaries in Germany, Australia and Canada (among others), the British forces continue to officially […]

February 21st, 2013|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Special US Election Blog Blitz

Here’s a round-up of posts related to US politics and gender that have appeared on Engenderings in the past year to get you geared up. Happy voting!

Amanda Conroy ( @amanda_conroy )  has opinions on on Republicans, Julian Assange and how we understand rape.

Be wary of the notion of the “Year of the Woman”, says Kimi Killen.

Linnea Sandstrom Lange doesn’t shy away from […]

November 6th, 2012|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Rape and the privileging of ignorance: consensuality vs. mutuality in understandings of sexual assault

A lot of people have been expressing a lot of opinions about what constitutes a woman’s experience of rape. A lot of these people do not have vaginas. Todd Akin, Missouri Senate candidate, claimed that “if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down”. More recently Wisconsin Republican representative Roger Rivard […]

November 4th, 2012|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Parental Leave: Men and Women at Work

Caroline Thorpe is a British journalist based in London. She was deputy editor of multiple award-winning Inside Housing magazine until 2011, when she took a year out to pursue graduate studies in gender at the London School of Economics. She has now returned to full-time journalism, specialising in social policy and politics. In this post she discusses parental leave in […]

October 15th, 2012|Politics, Society|1 Comment|

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