Author Archives: Eurocrisis in the Press

Apr 20 2016

The myths that are preventing us from solving the refugee crisis


By Zoe Gardner The preventable deaths of another 400 people in the Mediterranean on Monday morning must be a wake-­up call. The British and European approach to the migrant and refugee humanitarian crisis simply isn’t working. For all of the … Continue reading

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Apr 13 2016

From Hybrid Peace to Human Security: Rethinking EU Strategy towards Conflict

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A recent publication of likely interest to Euro Crisis in the Press readers is the The Berlin Report of the Human Security Study Group. Entitled ‘From Hybrid Peace to Human Security: Rethinking EU Strategy towards Conflict’, it was presented to … Continue reading

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Apr 5 2016

The EU, a Fair-Weather Ship Between Scylla and Charybdis 

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By Max Hänska The EU faces debilitation by multiple crises: economic malaise and high unemployment, an influx of refugee and mounting security concerns. They all lay bare that resilience was not build into the EU’s architecture, it lacks the institutional … Continue reading

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Mar 28 2016

The political ‘migration crisis’ and the military-humanitarian response

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By Pierluigi Musarò ‘We need more than a humanitarian response […] We need political leadership and action,’ Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said on 8 March 2016. Referring to the fact that ‘Europe is now seeing … Continue reading

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Mar 21 2016

Europe’s Human Rights Crisis


By Natasha Saunders Fidelity to one’s principles is measured by how they are honoured in times of crisis. Hannah Arendt – a refugee who fled Nazi Germany and became one of the most influential political thinkers of the twentieth century … Continue reading

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Mar 16 2016

The EU’s olive oil diplomacy: Italian fears and prospects for Tunisia


By Stefano M. Torelli On 10 March, the European Parliament voted in favor of a measure allowing Tunisia to export yearly 35,000 tons of olive oil tax-free in the European Union, for two years. That is, Tunisia will be allowed … Continue reading

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Mar 10 2016

Read All About It (Or Not): The Trouble with the Turkish Press

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By Kate Cyr Istanbul’s 2013 Gezi Park protests unearthed muddy tales of corruption, bias, and authoritarianism that powerful conglomerates and the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) would have preferred buried indefinitely. The government received global scrutiny as anyone from … Continue reading

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Mar 4 2016

Argentina debt restructuring deal – 15 years too late!


By Kanad Bagchi On 28th February 2016, Argentina finally reached a settlement with the rest of its holdout creditors lead by Elliot Management in what is being hailed as ‘historic’ signalling the return of Argentina to international bond markets. While … Continue reading

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Feb 25 2016

The International Politics of the Refugee Crisis

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By Vassilios Paipais Last Wednesday, Vienna hosted a meeting of Balkan countries involving Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia in divisive move that deliberately excluded the Greek government from decisions concerning the tackling of the mounting refugee … Continue reading

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Feb 23 2016

A view from Europe’s borderland: As Europe vows stricter border controls, what’s at stake at the border?


By Myria Georgiou Six months is a long time in politics and this includes humanitarian politics in Europe. ‘Refugees welcome here’ (#Refugeeswelcomehere) was a catchphrase reflecting widespread sentiments and political will in Europe last summer and early autumn – a … Continue reading

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