
Does the World Bank need an expanded notion of institutions to take gender into account?

Josephine Tsui, a gender consultant for theIDLgroup, reviews the 2012 World Bank World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development arguing that, while its recognition of the importance of gender equality independently of its positive economic effects represents a step forward, its narrow definition of institutions keeps it from taking into account the gendered nature of markets, households, or the […]

Sex and Development

Dr. Gwendolyn Beetham discusses some recent episodes of gendered power in global governance institutions, arguing that the Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal and other well-publicized incidents should be seen less as unfortunate but separate incidents than as evidence for continuing structural inequalities. This summer was a lively one for those interested in the intersection of sex and development. The world’s media watched […]

October 17th, 2011|Development, Politics|0 Comments|

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