Gender research

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    Why feminism: some notes from ‘the field’ on doing feminist research

Why feminism: some notes from ‘the field’ on doing feminist research

by Rishita Nandagiri

On Wednesday 27 September 2017, LSE Gender PhD students organised an event titled Why feminism? An open discussion about doing gender research. During this event, PhD and MSc students from a range of disciplines engaged in a conversation framed around a series of questions: What does it mean to say we are working with gender studies? What […]

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    Why feminism: On quantitative analysis and divergent understandings of gender

Why feminism: On quantitative analysis and divergent understandings of gender

by Jenny Chanfreau

On Wednesday 27 September 2017, LSE Gender PhD students organised an event titled Why feminism? An open discussion about doing gender research. During this event, PhD and MSc students from a range of disciplines engaged in a conversation framed around a series of questions: What does it mean to say we are working with gender studies? What […]

Unpacking Consent: An interdisciplinary bibliography

by Harriet Gray 

Debates around sexual violence often place consent – and, in particular, the lack of it – at the heart of their definitions. In popular discourse as well as in legal judgements, consent is the hinge around which a particular act is understood as ‘sex’ or, alternatively, as ‘violence.’ However, despite the simplicity and rigidity often attributed to […]

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