Look East

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    Toward a Posthuman Time: Virtuality and Queerness in Taiwanese Science Fiction

Toward a Posthuman Time: Virtuality and Queerness in Taiwanese Science Fiction

By Hsin-Hui Lin

 This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in […]

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    A Longstanding Fear: LGBT Panic, Conservative Islamic Backlash, and Queer Islamic Resistance in Indonesia

A Longstanding Fear: LGBT Panic, Conservative Islamic Backlash, and Queer Islamic Resistance in Indonesia

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the region. […]

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    “Chinese don’t do gender”: Contestations against the Western neoliberal import of the term “gender” by critical socialist feminists

“Chinese don’t do gender”: Contestations against the Western neoliberal import of the term “gender” by critical socialist feminists

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the region. […]

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    Path of Fire, Heart of Lotus: Japanese Women’s Buddhist Monasticism, Impermanence and Post-WWII Gender-Inclusive Peace Movements

Path of Fire, Heart of Lotus: Japanese Women’s Buddhist Monasticism, Impermanence and Post-WWII Gender-Inclusive Peace Movements

by Sourajit Ghosh

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the […]

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    The Struggle for Women’s Reproductive Rights; A Southeast Asian Perspective

The Struggle for Women’s Reproductive Rights; A Southeast Asian Perspective

by Maya Bofa

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the […]

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