gender equality

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    Ideology trumps gender: Left-wing women and British party politics

Ideology trumps gender: Left-wing women and British party politics

by Rosanna Hutchings


Although  British political parties have increased the number of female MPs in Parliament, a neoliberal framework privileges a liberal feminist approach to politics that leaves women with a very specific kind of female representative that fails to represent the interests of the majority of female voters. The women that are visible within the centre-left Labour Party are those […]

February 20th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|
  • Nepal Earthquake reconstruction, image of a young girl
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    Recovering from Nepal’s earthquake: It’s not only the ‘what’, but also the ‘how’ that matters

Recovering from Nepal’s earthquake: It’s not only the ‘what’, but also the ‘how’ that matters

By Jana Naujoks           One year ago, Nepal was devastated by a major earthquake that took over 8,700 lives and caused widespread destruction to 14 of the country’s 75 districts. One major and countless smaller aftershocks added to the carnage, casualties and immense trauma that people experienced. While on this day we want to honour and remember the lives that were […]

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    Interrogating Trudeau’s Brand of Equality “Because it’s 2015”

Interrogating Trudeau’s Brand of Equality “Because it’s 2015”

by Julia Hartviksen Last week, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper tendered his resignation after nearly ten years of Conservative government under his leadership. On Wednesday, Justin Trudeau was sworn in as Canada’s new Prime Minister, after one of the longest election periods in Canadian history. He took his oath alongside his newly appointed cabinet of 15 women and 15 […]

November 9th, 2015|Politics|0 Comments|

Event Report: The European Institute for Gender Equality presents the Gender Equality Index

Measuring gender equality is not an easy task given different conceptions of what is to be measured and how. Composite indicators are one way in which to measure gender equality and several have been developed at the international level, but none of the existing ones provided an adequate tool for Member State comparisons at the EU level. The Gender Equality […]

November 7th, 2013|Development, Politics|1 Comment|

Conference Report: Gender, Neoliberalism, and Financial Crisis: Gendered Impacts and Feminist Alternatives

The politics of austerity and crisis are deeply gendered and open up a wide range of feminist debates around neoliberalism, resistance, and gender justice.  The Gender, Neoliberalism, and Financial Crisis Postgraduate Conference, which took place at the University of York on 27 September 2013, sought to map the multiple impacts of financial crisis, austerity, and neoliberalism on women and to […]

October 23rd, 2013|Politics, Society|5 Comments|

More chairs, please

Those hoping for progress towards gender equality in UK big business shouldn’t expect to see it any time soon. The Financial Times recently reported a slowdown in female appointments to FTSE 100 boards, according to data from the Professional Boards Forum (PBF). Key findings include the following gloomy facts:  just 12 per cent of directors appointed in the two months […]

July 31st, 2013|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Politics aimed at participation: A critical analysis of role of civil society and women groups affecting peace in Afghanistan

Many Afghans, and the international community, reckon the inclusion of civil society and women in the political processes of Afghanistan as crucial for the success of the ongoing peace talks. Paffenholz and Spurk, while emphasizing on the importance of civil society’s role in peace building, state ‘’There is also agreement that non-governmental peace initiatives are as needed as official or […]

The violent cartographies of violence- the imaginative rape geography of Congo

A few years ago if you’d asked me about Congo I wouldn’t have known very much about it. I knew where it was located on the world map… the geographical world map. As for the social, political, cultural, economical world map, I didn’t quite know where to place it. My interest in violence against women around the world, however, brought […]

Radical Feminist Conference 2012 – Radically Limited?

In this post, Sarah Burton explores the radical feminist stance of the RadFem 2012 conference organizers in relation to the term ‘women born women living as women’. She considers if indeed it is possible to neatly and clearly delineate the word ‘woman’ and argues that binary and static notions of identity categories obscures the real, tangible ways in which ordinary […]

France, Hollande and the Future of Gender Equality

Sophie Drouet is a masters candidate in the MSc in Gender, Policy and Inequalities programme at the LSE and was a politics student at Sciences Po Lille.  She explores the potential meanings of the election of Francois Hollande in France for gender equality, particularly for women in France.   François Hollande, who defeated the incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy by a […]

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