women and employment

  • A number of Kurdish women in Turkey, pictured from behind, wearing colourful Hijab headscarves
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    KADEM’s ‘Gender Justice’ or the Momentum of Anti-genderism in Turkey

KADEM’s ‘Gender Justice’ or the Momentum of Anti-genderism in Turkey

by Tutku Ayhan

Sumeyye Erdogan, daughter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the vice-chair of pro-government women’s organization KADEM [Kadin ve Demokrasi Dernegi / Women and Democracy Association] said the following during the opening of organization’s branch office in Aksaray: “KADEM bases itself on the wisdom of its own land, principles of its own faith. [As an organization] it […]

Why do women shy away from challenging careers?

by Sophie Heine

Having been a very achieving and ambitious woman in my early career, my recent professional choices have not ceased to surprise me. Many times over the last few years, I have indeed decided to shun or leave demanding jobs and go for either lower key positions or self-employed projects. And more and more, I am dreaming to […]

What Statistics Show about Women in Science

by Jilian Woods

Women have always taken a backseat to their male counterparts in math and science careers. Despite the steady rise in women entering STEM fields since the 19th century, women still have to work tirelessly to prove that they are in fact cut out to share the scientific world with men.

Let’s take a look at the facts. A 2007 study […]

More chairs, please

Those hoping for progress towards gender equality in UK big business shouldn’t expect to see it any time soon. The Financial Times recently reported a slowdown in female appointments to FTSE 100 boards, according to data from the Professional Boards Forum (PBF). Key findings include the following gloomy facts:  just 12 per cent of directors appointed in the two months […]

July 31st, 2013|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

France, Hollande and the Future of Gender Equality

Sophie Drouet is a masters candidate in the MSc in Gender, Policy and Inequalities programme at the LSE and was a politics student at Sciences Po Lille.  She explores the potential meanings of the election of Francois Hollande in France for gender equality, particularly for women in France.   François Hollande, who defeated the incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy by a […]

What About Women? But What About the Men?

Linnéa Sandström reviews last night’s British Government@LSEand Fawcett Society pre-election mayoral debate: What About Women? arguing that the candidate’s unwillingness to include men in the debate offers little for long-term solutions for mothers in employment. This post has been cross-posted from the LSE Politics and Policy blog.


On Monday April 23rd, three mayoral hopefuls and Conservative campaigner Victoria Borwick arrived at the LSE to […]

April 24th, 2012|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

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