
The Issue of Gender Equality in Confucian Culture

by Yutang Jin   The issue of gender equality has long been raised in South Korea, and this problem turns out to be especially prominent in the current job market. Despite the number of female graduates employed bypassing male graduates, according to the survey recently published by the Ministry of Education in South Korea, women still linger behind men in […]

January 18th, 2016|Politics, Society|0 Comments|
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    Someone you know: the Rapist. Examining perpetration at the Clear Lines Festival

Someone you know: the Rapist. Examining perpetration at the Clear Lines Festival

“Sister to sister you sound my grief with your heart beats.” (Ruth Graham 2012) In the midst of dissertation writing season, from the 30th July to the 2nd August, the first ever festival about consent and sexual violence, Clear Lines, came to South London, in a bold attempt to replace the “shame and silence usually associated with this issue, with insight, understanding and community“. […]

October 5th, 2015|Society|0 Comments|

The Attack Against Mamá Maquín and Guatemala’s “Eternal Spring”

2016 will mark 20 years since the signature of the Guatemalan Peace Accords, which brought an end to Guatemala’s 36-year long armed conflict and genocide. The war’s casualties included over 200,000 mostly Mayan indigenous lives and thousands of disappeared and displaced. Yet, despite being a country officially at peace, high rates of ongoing violence – from violent crime to attacks […]

September 28th, 2015|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Troubling borders: A brief reflection from Engenderings

To start off the new academic year, two of our blog editors write on the issue of borders, drawing on the refugee crisis from a British and Canadian perspective. Annette and Julia both participated in the #RefugeesWelcomeHere march on Saturday September 12. Here they reflect on some responses to the refugee crisis and the importance of the politics of […]

September 23rd, 2015|Politics, Society|1 Comment|
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    Intergenerational Relationships: Case Study of Stephen Fry and Elliott Spencer

Intergenerational Relationships: Case Study of Stephen Fry and Elliott Spencer

Actor and presenter Stephen Fry and comedian Elliott Spencer announced their engagement on 6 January, 2015 amidst a flood of media interest. As I followed the coverage, I was struck by the media’s constant reiteration of the couple’s age difference. Rather than celebrating their engagement and later marriage, I was appalled to see how the British media demonised the couple […]

Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, Race and Age in the Privileging of Coupledom

Earlier this year LSE held an event to commemorate the sociologist Ulrich Beck. Beck was prominent in developing the theory of reflexive modernity and the related concept of the transformation of intimacy. Such a theory suggests that postmodern society is characterised by diversification, freedom and fluidity within intimate relationships where non-traditional forms of love are being reflexively constructed into ‘elective […]

April 13th, 2015|Society|0 Comments|

Gender Equality Forum and Spectrum respond to recent events around LSE men’s rugby

The Gender Equality Forum (GEF) and Spectrum (LSE’s LGBT+ staff forum) have released a joint statement in response to the sexist, homophobic, racist, and classist leaflet recently dispersed by the now disbanded LSE Men’s Rugby Club to LSE Freshers. The statement is an important example of collective politics in action, and brought together input from around 70 members of the […]

October 9th, 2014|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

A compulsory heteronormative university? The regulation of sexualities and identities in the UK higher education system

It is often believed that universities are open and progressive places where everyone can and express themselves. However, several studies highlight the ongoing discriminations against oppressed groups such as women, Black and LGBT people. The particular experience of LGBT students is quite difficult to capture as there is no consistent data collection and monitoring. It also represents an epistemological challenge […]

July 14th, 2014|Society|0 Comments|

Only Deeds: Twenty Years Later and Still Not Recognizing What It’s Like to Be a Woman in Philosophy

[trigger warning] Suppose I decide to rape Catharine MacKinnon before reviewing her book. (Carlin Romano, 1993,  The Nation) Suppose I decide to skip Carlin Romano’s latest pontification before blogging about him. Because I’m uncertain he understands the difference between being a feminist and being a ‘feminist’. Perhaps the better question is, suppose the discipline of philosophy valued the existence and […]

March 27th, 2014|Society|3 Comments|

Rescuers & Redeemers: The Evangelical Church’s Role in the Anti-Trafficking Movement

    by Katie Gaddini  On a recent Sunday night in central London, I attended an Evangelical Protestant church service. Midway through the worship portion, the music leader stopped the fervent singing to welcome a woman to the stage. She had just completed a two-week-long bike trek across Europe to raise awareness about sex trafficking and was now back in London […]

November 21st, 2013|Society|0 Comments|

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