Gender research

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    Feminist Movements Around the World: Creating feminist community during COVID-19

Feminist Movements Around the World: Creating feminist community during COVID-19

by Milena D’Atri

When I decided to come to London to do my masters in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic, I knew it was going to be hard. A big reason for why I chose LSE was the international community that characterises this university: I was excited to learn about feminist politics from all over the globe and connect […]

Vibrant lockdown walks

by Daniela Meneses Sala

In March 2020, the government announced that individuals in England were allowed to leave home only for the purpose of shopping for basic necessities, medical needs, travelling to work where it could not be conducted from home, and for “one form of exercise a day – for example, a run, walk or cycle”. As a result […]

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    Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

by Tunay Altay

On 14 April 2021, a group of students from Turkey’s Middle East Technical University (Ortadogu Teknik Universiversitesi, ODTÜ) gathered at a staircase on campus in Ankara. This staircase was no different from any other staircase on the 11,100-acre campus, yet this was the third time in a fortnight that the students had met at the same point, carrying […]

  • Image showing women working in textile production
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    Has the pandemic revealed the gendered fault-lines in India’s labour markets?

Has the pandemic revealed the gendered fault-lines in India’s labour markets?

By Mitali Nikore and Poorva Prabhu

In a recent piece on India’s labour markets, The Economist noted, “During the pandemic, women have typically been the first in India to lose their jobs and the last to regain them.” While COVID-19 has helped in shining a spotlight on gender gaps, Indian women’s marginalisation from labour markets is not new, it’s a tale […]

  • Hijabi holding protest sign reading "mon foulard n'est pas la cause de mon oppression mais le pretexte de mon exclusion"
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    Feminist solidarity after the Swiss referendum: Islamophobia and the politics of veiling

Feminist solidarity after the Swiss referendum: Islamophobia and the politics of veiling

by Hasret Cetinkaya

Photo by Teycir Mastour and Aïda Hammad, sourced from  and used with permission in this blogpost

On the 7th of March 2021, Switzerland voted in favour of banning face coverings in public spaces, including the wearing of the burqa and niqab. The proposal was put forward to referendum by the Egerkingen Committee which is linked to the Swiss People’s […]

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    The Hidden Masculinization and Militarization of the Canadian Citizenship Guide

The Hidden Masculinization and Militarization of the Canadian Citizenship Guide

by Sarah Chudleigh

The Canadian Citizenship Guide seeks to characterise Canada by its ideals of peace and gender equality. However, its language, imagery and layout paint a different picture. In this post, Sarah Chudleigh explores how the guide reinforces the masculinised and militarist values it seeks to oppose.

Photo by Jaimie Harmsen on Unsplash

For aspiring Canadian citizens, the current citizenship […]

  • graffitied wall with two diamond shaped windows showing lush green forest behind
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    Queering or De-Queering the European Space? Reflecting on the European Parliament Declaration of the EU as an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’

Queering or De-Queering the European Space? Reflecting on the European Parliament Declaration of the EU as an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’

By Francesca Romana Ammaturo

Photo by Sijmen van Hooff on Unsplash

A Divided Union?

On 11th March 2021, the European Parliament adopted a Declaration that designates the European Union as a ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’. Supported by a wide range of MEPs across the various political groups of the EU, this is a direct response to the earlier moves by the Polish […]

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    A Cursory Glance at Hawaii’s Economic Revival Policy: The Intersection of Feminist Economics and Good Governance.

A Cursory Glance at Hawaii’s Economic Revival Policy: The Intersection of Feminist Economics and Good Governance.

by Isha Prakash and Tamanna Meghrajani

The battle against the ongoing COVID-19 crisis has effectively incapacitated economies of over 180 countries. This pandemic has adversely affected every sphere of the economy, from the educational sector to the tourism industry. Even the thought of rebuilding or restructuring this elaborate arrangement built over centuries seems unnerving but with a plethora of businesses […]

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    Mobile toilets and the urgent need for reflexivity in social entrepreneurship

Mobile toilets and the urgent need for reflexivity in social entrepreneurship

by Isabel Medem

Nine years ago I co-founded an organisation to design a novel toilet service for poor urban households in Lima, Peru. For a monthly fee we install a high-quality mobile dry toilet in a home and come by every week to pick up the accumulated feces in a container, thus removing hazardous waste from households and communities. This […]

  • Woman in prison cell, seen through bars with her head in her hands
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    Dismantling Prisons: Abolitionist Feminism, Women, Incarceration and #MeToo

Dismantling Prisons: Abolitionist Feminism, Women, Incarceration and #MeToo

by Philippa Greer[1]
“Lisa Montgomery is mentally ill. Presently her mental condition results in her inability rationally to understand she will be executed, why she will be executed, or even where she is.”

— Petition for Writ Of Habeas Corpus, Lisa Marie Montgomery v. Warden of USP Terre Haute, Michael Carvajal, Jeffrey Rosen, 8 January 2021
Lisa Montgomery was executed on 13 January 2021 […]

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