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    The Pope’s visit to Chile: the limits of the ‘Francis phenomenon’

The Pope’s visit to Chile: the limits of the ‘Francis phenomenon’

by José Manuel Morán

Things did not turn out as expected in Chile. Pope Francis, whose image as a charismatic leader sharply contrasts with of his antecessor Benedict XVI, and who often deploys discourses that seem to take some distance from the ones promoted by John Paul II in his obsession with sexuality matters, was not as successful in connecting […]

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    Does Europe prefer her sons over daughters? Adding the gender perspective to European memory

Does Europe prefer her sons over daughters? Adding the gender perspective to European memory

by Ana Milosevic

After the Second World War, European leaders had a plan to “Make Europe great again.” — and it worked. The EU brought peace, stability and economic prosperity to the continent. It all started with the signing of the Rome Treaty, 61 years ago when European founding fathers laid out the first bricks into the foundations of the EU.

European politicians […]

Questionable leadership: NATO and women’s rights

by Laura Nacyte 

Recently, Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Angelina Jolie, a co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative, wrote an open-ed for the Guardian, calling for the NATO’s leadership in protecting women’s rights. It emphasises that the organisation can become the ‘global military leader’ in preventing sexual violence in conflict.

In enhancing […]

The murder of Marielle Franco: a call to action

by Sonia Corrêa and Richard Parker, ABIA

The Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association (ABIA) makes public its profound mourning and indignation regarding the brutal assassination of Municipal councilor Marielle Franco and her driver, Anderson Gomes. Both were victims of a summary execution on the night of March 14, 2018.

Marielle Franco was a black woman from the favela and a human rights defender, […]

The politics of AI and scientific research on sexuality

by Jessica Sandelson

We are often told that there is no place for politics in objective research. The scientific tradition has built rigorous methodologies to get rid of bias, and presents itself as untouched by the messy social world. But what should we make of the claim that politics is irrelevant in science?

In late 2017, a forthcoming study in the Journal […]

The Post-Strike Landscape

by Left of Brown and Sisters of Resistance


In a world of possibility for us all, our personal visions help lay the groundwork for political action.
– Audre Lorde

As of 12 March 2018, we are in the post-strike landscape. The terms of the ‘agreement’ reached yesterday are unsatisfactory and the outcome has demonstrated the extent of the leadership crisis in the sector. Neither […]

Emotional Revolution

by Claudia Turbet-Delof

It’s been 100 years since we, women, have been given a legal permission from men, to vote on matters that impact our day to day lives. This 8th March, I will be joining the Women’s Strike because we still earn 14% less than men – meaning that from 10th November, our paid work is free. We still hear […]

Power Upside Down. Women’s Global Strike

by Transnational social strike platform

The first global women’s strike on March 8th 2017 was an unprecedented experience, with the ability to catalyze a moment of exceptional intensity, synthesizing women’s mobilizations against violence and oppression across the world. Accounts and experiences from that strike were collected in our first reader. As Transnational Social Strike Platform, we find that the astonishing circulation […]

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    Brazilian domestic workers and the international struggle for labour rights

Brazilian domestic workers and the international struggle for labour rights

by Louisa Acciari

As Brazil just ratified (on 31 January 2018) the ILO Convention 189 guaranteeing labour rights to domestic workers, this piece offers a reflection on the history and significance of this process. More specifically, I will show that the rights secured in the ILO Convention have their roots in the global South, and had been claimed for decades by […]

Solidarity with striking university staff across the UK

by members of the Engenderings editorial collective

At the Engenderings editorial collective we are disappointed not to be striking alongside our colleagues from other institutions. The LSE UCU branch failed to reach the 50% turnout required for a mandate to take industrial action, although 90% of the not-quite-half of the union members balloted voted for strike action in the first […]

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