
  • photo of city skyline (Tbilisi, Georgia) with rainbow in background
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    The perks and perils of geopolitical framings of LGBTQ+ rights in Georgia

The perks and perils of geopolitical framings of LGBTQ+ rights in Georgia

By Laura Luciani

In a context of growing antagonism between the EU and Russia over their ‘shared neighbourhood’, LGBTQ+ rights in Georgia have increasingly been framed in geopolitical terms. While the ‘European values’ rhetoric may help holding governments accountable, it can also obscure fundamental critiques of the Western liberal human rights agenda.

On July 5, 2021, Georgia’s capital city Tbilisi was shaken […]

Worthy of Respect

by Jacob Breslow

What does it mean, in the context of higher education and in the context of a sustained political and cultural attack on trans people and their rights, that ‘gender critical’ views have been judged as “a philosophical belief within the meaning of s.10 of the Equality Act 2010”, as decided in Maya Forstater’s Employment Appeal Tribunal? To […]

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    Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

Who is afraid of the rainbow? The politics of LGBTQ symbols in Turkey

by Tunay Altay

On 14 April 2021, a group of students from Turkey’s Middle East Technical University (Ortadogu Teknik Universiversitesi, ODTÜ) gathered at a staircase on campus in Ankara. This staircase was no different from any other staircase on the 11,100-acre campus, yet this was the third time in a fortnight that the students had met at the same point, carrying […]

  • Hijabi holding protest sign reading "mon foulard n'est pas la cause de mon oppression mais le pretexte de mon exclusion"
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    Feminist solidarity after the Swiss referendum: Islamophobia and the politics of veiling

Feminist solidarity after the Swiss referendum: Islamophobia and the politics of veiling

by Hasret Cetinkaya

Photo by Teycir Mastour and Aïda Hammad, sourced from  and used with permission in this blogpost

On the 7th of March 2021, Switzerland voted in favour of banning face coverings in public spaces, including the wearing of the burqa and niqab. The proposal was put forward to referendum by the Egerkingen Committee which is linked to the Swiss People’s […]

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    Engenderings stands in solidarity with Aurat Azadi March organisers in Pakistan

Engenderings stands in solidarity with Aurat Azadi March organisers in Pakistan

As gender and feminist scholars, and some of us members of the Engenderings collective, we express full solidarity with organisers of Aurat Azadi March in Pakistan, who organised peaceful events in different cities on March 8, marked as International Women’s Day across the world. We condemn the vicious online campaign, blasphemy allegations based on falsified evidence, and threats to […]

  • graffitied wall with two diamond shaped windows showing lush green forest behind
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    Queering or De-Queering the European Space? Reflecting on the European Parliament Declaration of the EU as an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’

Queering or De-Queering the European Space? Reflecting on the European Parliament Declaration of the EU as an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’

By Francesca Romana Ammaturo

Photo by Sijmen van Hooff on Unsplash

A Divided Union?

On 11th March 2021, the European Parliament adopted a Declaration that designates the European Union as a ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’. Supported by a wide range of MEPs across the various political groups of the EU, this is a direct response to the earlier moves by the Polish […]

Viva la Vulva: the advertisement that divides Italian women

By Giorgia Baldi

It is ironic that a simple TV advertisement should create such a controversy in Italy in 2020. Nuvenia, a company producing female sanitary napkins, launched a campaign named ‘Viva la Vulva’ linked to the taboos associated with the female body. The TV advertisement shows diverse objects which represent the vagina (‘vulva’) such as shells, fruits, an embroidered […]

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    LGBTQ+ issues as Electoral Fuel: Insights from a Polarized Poland

LGBTQ+ issues as Electoral Fuel: Insights from a Polarized Poland

by Selen Eşençay

“To me, it was so humiliating Like in 2020, I have to say I am human? It’s horrible.”

As the COVID-19 pandemic restrained the traditional June Pride march, which had to move from the streets to social media, the debate on LGBTQ+ rights became the key battlefield in the Polish presidential election. Since the conservative Polish President Andrzej Duda […]

  • Two boxes containing wooden spoons and banners with protest slogans.
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    When Solidarity Comes to the Rescue, We Need to Ask if it’s Equitable

When Solidarity Comes to the Rescue, We Need to Ask if it’s Equitable

By Ján Michalko

A wooden spoon. This humble kitchen utensil became the symbol for this year’s protest campaign of gender equality activists in Slovakia. At its launch, Zuzana Maďarová from feminist organisation ASPEKT explained that spoons represent women’s hidden and underappreciated care work. The campaigners thus turned to spoons to become beacons, bringing to the limelight gender-based inequalities that Slovak […]

  • Block text reading "Abolish Article 198"
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    Policing the borders of sex/gender in Kuwait: on transmisogyny and state-mediated violence

Policing the borders of sex/gender in Kuwait: on transmisogyny and state-mediated violence

by Nour Almazidi

Designed by Nour Almazidi for this blogpost

“Have you heard about Maha?”

On June 5, 2020, I woke up to a flood of messages asking if I have seen the series of Snapchat videos that Maha Al-Mutairi, a Kuwaiti transgender woman publicly posted while she drove to a detention centre to be arrested and jailed under Article 198 for […]

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