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    The AfD and right-wing (anti-)gender mobilisation in Germany

The AfD and right-wing (anti-)gender mobilisation in Germany

by Katharina Hajek

Germany, like so many countries in Europe, is experiencing the rise of right-wing conservative and populist forces. The central actor here is the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)[1], which was founded in 2013. The party is now achieving results of up to 28 percent at the state level, as well as 12.6 % in federal elections, making it currently the […]

#NiUnaMenos: countering hegemonies in Argentina

by Aude Langlois

On the 3rd of June 2015, massive protests shook Argentina to its core, as 200,000 people took to the streets in Buenos Aires to express their outrage over the killing of a pregnant 14-year-old girl, Chiara Páez, at the hands of her boyfriend. Since then, Ni Una Menos (Not One Less), the collective that was behind this mobilisation, […]

  • Photo of British Museum
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    Finders Keepers: On Sex, Tara the Buddhist Deity at the British Museum and Brownness in the Colonies

Finders Keepers: On Sex, Tara the Buddhist Deity at the British Museum and Brownness in the Colonies

by Senel Wanniarachchi

“Your victory

Was so complete

Some among you

Thought to keep

A record of

Our little lives

The clothes we wore

Our spoons, our knives”

 —Lenard Cohen, Nevermind

I am at the entrance to the British Museum and the path separates into two. I take the path which appears to be less crowded and a guard interrupts me saying this entrance is for ‘members-only’. I apologize, […]

  • Permalink Photo credit: Luis Bahamondes, Instagram @luis_bahamondesGallery

    What should I do? Reflections on the social outbreak in Chile

What should I do? Reflections on the social outbreak in Chile

by Paula Hollstein Barría

This article was written during the first days of November 2019, approximately two weeks after the so-called social unrest in Chile had been started. Numerical data have been updated until the date of issue. A Spanish version of this post is also available here.

The president declared a state of exception. Social media calls on us daily to […]

December 19th, 2019|Featured, History, Politics|0 Comments|
  • Picture of painting Innocence, picturing a child with a sleeping dragon
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    Whose freedom, and from what?: The child as cipher for a (transnational) politics of ‘traditional values’

Whose freedom, and from what?: The child as cipher for a (transnational) politics of ‘traditional values’

by Maria Brock

Awareness of increasing (and increasingly politicised) sentiment against so-called ‘gender ideology’ is spreading, and no longer merely confined to academic and activist circles. Indeed, while her work is considered notoriously inaccessible to those outside academe, Judith Butler, one of the icons of gender and queer theory since the publication of Gender Trouble (1990), enraged far right Christian […]

Militarisation, misogyny and gendered violence in Kashmir

by Samreen Mushtaq

On August 14 this year, a solidarity team comprising four Indian civil society activists held a press conference at the Press Club of India in Delhi to share their findings from Indian-administered Kashmir, which has been under a communications blackout for more than three weeks. Although the activists were permitted to discuss their findings, they were disallowed […]

September 9th, 2019|Featured, Politics, Society|4 Comments|
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    Of Butterfly Assemblages and Constitutional Coups : Invention and Intersection of Heteromasculinity and Class in Post-Colonial Sri Lanka

Of Butterfly Assemblages and Constitutional Coups : Invention and Intersection of Heteromasculinity and Class in Post-Colonial Sri Lanka

by Senel Wanniarachchi

Each year students on the LSE Gender MSc course Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation present independent research papers at an all-day student conference. This year’s conference “Globalising Desire / Locating Power” took place on 29 March 2019 and in this series of posts a selection of students present their interventions from the conference.

In October 2018, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena […]

  • Crowd holding rainbow pride flags
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    ‘Global gay conspiracy’ and misogyny in Turkish anti-gender narratives

‘Global gay conspiracy’ and misogyny in Turkish anti-gender narratives

by Alev Özkazanç

Having been inspired by the great victory of the opposition against Islamist AKP in Istanbul municipal elections in 23 June 2019, several municipalities dared to show solidarity with Gay Pride in the following week. That a public office declared an open support for the Pride was something totally unprecedented and it immediately provoked a reaction on the part […]

  • Image of four women at a desk, three seated and one standing up speaking into a microphone
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    From “Gender Bashing” to the Dangers of Co-Optation: Gender Studies in Japan

From “Gender Bashing” to the Dangers of Co-Optation: Gender Studies in Japan

by Chelsea Szendi Schieder

Note: Following Japanese conventions, Japanese names are listed family name first.

I met Professor Andrea Peto (CEU) in fall 2018 in Budapest, when I had reached out to her while on a research visit to hear about the fate of Central European University and particularly of gender studies as an accredited graduate school program in Hungary. Gender […]

  • A fingerprint in the British flag print on white background
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    What the media circus surrounding Shamima Begum can teach us about gender and nation

What the media circus surrounding Shamima Begum can teach us about gender and nation

by Harriet Farnham

As the so-called caliphate defends its last stronghold in the town of Baghuz, Shamima Begum is back in the media spotlight. Four years since she left the UK to join ISIS, the 19 year old is asking to return home. The sensationalist and islamophobic media circus surrounding Begum should not surprise us; we’ve seen this all before in […]

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