
Emotional Revolution

by Claudia Turbet-Delof

It’s been 100 years since we, women, have been given a legal permission from men, to vote on matters that impact our day to day lives. This 8th March, I will be joining the Women’s Strike because we still earn 14% less than men – meaning that from 10th November, our paid work is free. We still hear […]

Power Upside Down. Women’s Global Strike

by Transnational social strike platform

The first global women’s strike on March 8th 2017 was an unprecedented experience, with the ability to catalyze a moment of exceptional intensity, synthesizing women’s mobilizations against violence and oppression across the world. Accounts and experiences from that strike were collected in our first reader. As Transnational Social Strike Platform, we find that the astonishing circulation […]

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    Brazilian domestic workers and the international struggle for labour rights

Brazilian domestic workers and the international struggle for labour rights

by Louisa Acciari

As Brazil just ratified (on 31 January 2018) the ILO Convention 189 guaranteeing labour rights to domestic workers, this piece offers a reflection on the history and significance of this process. More specifically, I will show that the rights secured in the ILO Convention have their roots in the global South, and had been claimed for decades by […]

Solidarity with striking university staff across the UK

by members of the Engenderings editorial collective

At the Engenderings editorial collective we are disappointed not to be striking alongside our colleagues from other institutions. The LSE UCU branch failed to reach the 50% turnout required for a mandate to take industrial action, although 90% of the not-quite-half of the union members balloted voted for strike action in the first […]

  • A person pictured from behind carrying a large white flag with an outline of children and adults holding hands and Cyrillic text underneath.
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    ‘Traditional values’ for the 99%? The new gender ideology in Russia

‘Traditional values’ for the 99%? The new gender ideology in Russia

by Daria Ukhova

Challenges posed to women’s rights and gender equality by neoconservative ‘pro-family’ and ‘anti-gender’ forces have been drawing attention of gender scholars and activists from across the globe (see the recent post by Sonia Corrêa in this blog). Using Russia as a case, in this post I take a closer look at the ‘traditional values’ ideology and the […]

January 15th, 2018|Featured, Politics, Society|2 Comments|
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    The Mobilisation to Save The Feminist Library in Paris has Been Successful! On Feminism, Archives And Dreams

The Mobilisation to Save The Feminist Library in Paris has Been Successful! On Feminism, Archives And Dreams

by Ilana Eloit 


The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, had announced a few months ago the dangerous project of relocating the Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand – France’s only feminist public library founded in 1932 – in a general library on the history of Paris. This decision, taken without consultation with the staff or the social partners of the Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand, threatened […]

December 20th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|1 Comment|
  • Black and white image of a demonstration with many women in the foreground carrying babies in slings and others holding banners and placards.
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    Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

By Sonia Corrêa

In the first week of November, 2017, Judith Butler was viciously attacked in Brazil by a heterogeneous group of actors who define themselves as anti-gender,[1] a regrettable episode caught the attention of both the media and international and global North academics. This well-orchestrated political formation is not new and much less peculiarly Brazilian. As analysed by numerous of […]

December 11th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|13 Comments|
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    Alcohol, drugs and family violence: A question of framing and boundary markers

Alcohol, drugs and family violence: A question of framing and boundary markers

by Sophie Yates

Family violence cuts across many different service sectors — including police, family violence agencies, alcohol and other drugs (AOD), mental health, and many more — and these sectors don’t always agree on what the problem is and what to do about it. Many of these sectors were involved in giving evidence before a recent Royal Commission into […]

October 6th, 2017|Featured, Society|0 Comments|

New Handbook on Gender and the Military

By Claire Duncanson and Rachel Woodward


Gender issues in the military have hit the headlines this summer. Whether it’s the celebrations of one hundred years of women in the British military, President Trump’s ban on transgender personnel serving in the US military, or the ‘cultural wars’ – or lack thereof – over the absence of diversity in the big movie […]

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    We need better responses to sexual harassment on public transportation

We need better responses to sexual harassment on public transportation

by Aiko Holvikivi

We know sexual harassment is rife on London’s public transportation system. I doubt you could find one Londoner who has not experienced, witnessed, or heard a first-hand account of it. The Everyday Sexism Project has famously documented such violations for years. The authorities know it too: they have launched initiatives in recent years, including Project Guardian and the […]

September 4th, 2017|Featured, Society|0 Comments|

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