
  • Street art image of woman's face with the word "Equality"
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    Shrouding inequalities through benevolent sexism and gender stereotyping: A stray encounter with yet another discriminatory law

Shrouding inequalities through benevolent sexism and gender stereotyping: A stray encounter with yet another discriminatory law

by Paras Ahuja and Rahul Garg

Photo by: Juergen Telkmann, Tags Equality on flickr

One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman
-Simone De Beauvoir

Despite prolific attempts by activists, growing nation-wide awareness on gender equality and an increase in egalitarian legislation and growing policy efforts, gender equality has been a distant dream in many contexts, perhaps far too high to be achieved. Sexist […]

July 20th, 2020|Featured, Society|0 Comments|

Coercion and Agency in Zimbabwean Sex Work

by Boetumelo Julianne Nyasulu

With the patriarchal structures, deteriorating economic state, and constrained employment opportunities within Zimbabwean society, comes an issue that Laura Agustin describes as the “conundrum of agency” within sex work. That is, the tension and challenges that emerge between force and choice in work in the sex industry. Eurocentric notions of agency understand it as “the ability […]

  • Photo of Dworzark informal settlement, Freetown, Sierra Leone
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    Gender and disability in informal settlements during COVID-19: What we have learnt so far

Gender and disability in informal settlements during COVID-19: What we have learnt so far

by Ignacia Ossul-Vermehren

Image credit: author, Dworzark informal settlement, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

How are women, in particular disabled women, affected by COVID-19 in informal settlements in the global South? Although there is a range of information emerging (in addition to what we can extrapolate from previous health crises), in reality it is difficult to know, at this stage, the extent to […]

Producing women through toilets and sanitary products

by Saumya Pandey

On 27th May 2014, two Dalit girls, aged 14 and 15, out for open defecation were allegedly kidnapped, gang raped, killed and hung from a mango tree in the Badaun district of Uttar Pradesh. The same month the BBC reported on why India’s sanitation crisis kills women with evidence suggesting that the absence of toilets at home led […]

Men, Sex Work, and the Construction of Sexual Victimhood

by David Eichert

This blog post is based on an article published by the author in the Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law.

In early 2018 the United States Congress passed the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA). The bill, ostensibly meant to end Internet-based sex trafficking, allows website operators like Facebook and Craigslist to be prosecuted for third-party content […]

Domestic Violence – The Shadow Pandemic

by Aniket A. Panchal and G Vishal

‘Home is where the heart is’ is an adage that has been prevalent in society since time immemorial. Humans built shelters to protect themselves, and as time went by, a person’s home became the centre of their universe; the one place in the entire world where safety and security are guaranteed. There are many groups […]

The Politics of Rainbow Maps

by Francesca Romana Ammaturo and Koen Slootmaeckers

Every year, around the International Day Against Homo, Bi, and Transphobia, ILGA Europe, the biggest LGBTQI+ umbrella organisation in Europe working on LGBTQI+ rights, releases its Rainbow Index and Rainbow Map into the world. This moment generates a lot of media attention to the plight of LGBTQI+ rights in Europe and provides an important […]

Exploring the Wreck

(after Adrienne Rich)

by Clare Hemmings

Featured photographs are from ongoing photo series Skin Deep by Sakshi Parikh. Published with permission for this blog post.

I tell people off every day. I tell my parents off for not staying home early enough. They are in their eighties, and I crow with satisfaction about having saved their lives when my chiding means they […]

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    Back to where we always have been: sex/gender segregation to contain Covid-19

Back to where we always have been: sex/gender segregation to contain Covid-19

by Sonia Corrêa[1]
But, people die, don´t they? Yes, indeed. However, the current naturalization of death erases thinking – Santiago López Petit
In the first week of April, the international press reported that, in order to reduce drastically the circulation of people, the governments of Panama and Peru defined a sex/gender criterion to establish the rotation of who can or cannot […]

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    The AfD and right-wing (anti-)gender mobilisation in Germany

The AfD and right-wing (anti-)gender mobilisation in Germany

by Katharina Hajek

Germany, like so many countries in Europe, is experiencing the rise of right-wing conservative and populist forces. The central actor here is the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)[1], which was founded in 2013. The party is now achieving results of up to 28 percent at the state level, as well as 12.6 % in federal elections, making it currently the […]

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