sex work

Some reflections on decolonising sex work research

by Sharmila Parmanand

This piece is a part of our Strike Archive, the only content we will be publishing throughout the UCU strike in February and March 2022. In it, we publish teach-outs delivered by our friends and colleagues at the LSE Department of Gender Studies in December 2021, as they withdrew their labour from the LSE in the first week […]

Coercion and Agency in Zimbabwean Sex Work

by Boetumelo Julianne Nyasulu

With the patriarchal structures, deteriorating economic state, and constrained employment opportunities within Zimbabwean society, comes an issue that Laura Agustin describes as the “conundrum of agency” within sex work. That is, the tension and challenges that emerge between force and choice in work in the sex industry. Eurocentric notions of agency understand it as “the ability […]

Men, Sex Work, and the Construction of Sexual Victimhood

by David Eichert

This blog post is based on an article published by the author in the Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law.

In early 2018 the United States Congress passed the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA). The bill, ostensibly meant to end Internet-based sex trafficking, allows website operators like Facebook and Craigslist to be prosecuted for third-party content […]

  • Picture of Bangkok with a sign reading Bangkok Bunnies
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    What you want to see is what you get: realities, representations, and reputations of sex tourism in Bangkok

What you want to see is what you get: realities, representations, and reputations of sex tourism in Bangkok

by Angana Narula

Each year students on the LSE Gender MSc course Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation present independent research papers at an all-day student conference. This year’s conference “Globalising Desire / Locating Power” took place on 29 March 2019 and in this series of posts a selection of students present their interventions from the conference.

If I ask you to picture Thailand, […]

October 24th, 2019|Featured, Society|0 Comments|
  • Painting of a crowd of naked children and young women
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    Silence of the Indian sex-workers: Dissecting the eternally suppressed perspective

Silence of the Indian sex-workers: Dissecting the eternally suppressed perspective

by Priyadarshee Mukhopadhyay


Are they listening?

The dreadful condition of sex-workers in India has always been a burning issue. While gender equality and human rights movements in India are at an all time high, the condition of sex workers keep deteriorating. Central to this, is the silencing of sex workers’ voices in public. It is an injustice when the views of […]

September 2nd, 2019|Featured, Policy, Society|0 Comments|

France criminalises clients of prostitution

By Emily St.Denny On April 6th, the French parliament voted to criminalise clients of prostitution [1]. Following in the footsteps of countries such as Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Canada, France is the fifth country in the world to introduce a demand-side ban on prostitution. This highly contentious bill has been the subject of fraught political and parliamentary debates for over three […]

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