
  • White banner outside a building with message "No más homofobia en la UC"
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    Fighting for and against (homo) sexualities in Chile: The case of reparative practices

Fighting for and against (homo) sexualities in Chile: The case of reparative practices

by Tomás Ojeda 

I am writing this piece in the aftermath of a series of attacks against women and LGBTQ people in Chile. Numbers speak for themselves: more than ten femicides, lesbo and transphobic attacks have been committed to date, some of them right after the international women’s day. Under these circumstances, feminist, lesbian and trans activists have called to stand […]

  • Outside wall of a building with a row of poster stickers in blue and pink that read No + ideología de género in all capital letters
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    In Defence of Women: Anti-gender Campaigns and Abortion in Chile

In Defence of Women: Anti-gender Campaigns and Abortion in Chile

by Lieta Vivaldi 

In Chile the bill that allows abortion on three grounds – when a woman’s life is in danger, when there are foetal anomalies incompatible with life, and in the case of rape – was approved, after a long discussion, in August 2017 and then published in September the same year. In December 2017, the right-wing candidate Sebastián Piñera […]

Brazilian presidential election: a perfect catastrophe?

by Sonia Corrêa


Time to mourn

Politics is both reasoning and affect. This is how a first version of this essay, written in the immediate aftermath of the Brazilian 2018 elections, began. The reasonable charting of what happened in Brazil was urgent, but also a painful exercise to engage with. Having watched, for many years, the building up of Brazilian conservative […]

  • Two lines of Arabic writing, the top line in blue and the bottom line in red ink
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    The Institutional and Epistemic Marginality of Gender Studies in the Gulf Region

The Institutional and Epistemic Marginality of Gender Studies in the Gulf Region

by Nour Almazidi

The institutional and epistemic marginalisation of Gender Studies as a legitimate academic discipline in the Gulf region raises several theoretical and political questions around power relations in knowledge production, the disciplinary parameters of knowledge, the valuable disruptions of feminist pedagogy, and the transformative potential for change that is present within feminist epistemology.

As it currently stands, no universities […]

Varieties of anti-gender mobilizations. Is Turkey a case?

by Selin Çağatay

The current decade has seen popular mobilizations against gender equality in Europe and globally. In Turkey, this process is led by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and mediated through authoritarian and populist ways of governing, institutionalized Islamism and Sunni-Turkish nationalism. Dynamics of Turkey’s gender politics are somewhat different than those identified by scholars who examine transnational […]

Anti-Genderism in the Non-West: Looking from the Other Side

by Siran Hovhannisyan

Anti-gender mobilizations are one of the recent social movements that have been active in Europe and other parts of the world since the mid-2000s. The concepts of gender, gender identity and other related social phenomena have been studied by scholars of different backgrounds – but most profoundly by gender studies scholars – for decades. Currently, many societies […]

  • People carrying a large banner and a sign in rainbow colours
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    The consequences of the differing meanings of gender in policy and activism for politics

The consequences of the differing meanings of gender in policy and activism for politics

by Eszter Kováts

“If gender quota is necessary for party lists, so what if I identify as a woman, can I run then for a woman’s place? And what happens if I identify as one of those plenty of other genders?”

A male politician from the Hungarian right-wing opposition party Jobbik asked me this question recently in an informal event and […]

November 26th, 2018|Anti-gender, Featured|1 Comment|
  • People praying on a wooden bench
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    Gender Ideology, religious fundamentalism and the electoral campaign (2017-2018) in Costa Rica

Gender Ideology, religious fundamentalism and the electoral campaign (2017-2018) in Costa Rica

by Gabriela Arguedas-Ramírez

Neoliberalism, anxiety and gender ideology [1]

The neoliberal economic system has triggered profound cultural, political and economic transformations, causing suffering and anguish to millions of people who live every single day, trying to cope with an overwhelming sense of abandonment, indifference and uncertainty.

In her book Strangers in their own land, sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild explores the reasons and emotions that […]

November 7th, 2018|Anti-gender, Featured|2 Comments|
  • A priest and other protesters holding signs
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    Science Wills It!: The Use of Scientific Claims in ‘Anti-Gender’ Rhetoric

Science Wills It!: The Use of Scientific Claims in ‘Anti-Gender’ Rhetoric

by Veronika Valkovičová and Pavol Hardoš 

Anti-gender movements, science, and the Slovak 2015 Referendum

Imagine yourself sitting in an over-crowded pastoral centre on a cold winter day in Bratislava and hearing the following argument: “When we are discussing what is best for the child, we have to take into consideration that studies conducted by homosexual groups have shown that average duration of a […]

November 5th, 2018|Anti-gender, Featured|0 Comments|

Study Your Grievances

by Emma Spruce, Jacob Breslow & Tomás Ojeda

Recently, Aero Magazine published an essay by Helen Pluckrose, James A. Lindsay, and Peter Boghossian titled “Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship”. In it, Pluckrose et al. unveiled a year-long project in which they sought to expose the ‘corruption’ of ‘grievance studies’ by publishing hoax articles in interdisciplinary feminist, queer, […]

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