Gender research

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    Terfism is White Distraction: On BLM, Decolonising the Curriculum, Anti-Gender Attacks and Feminist Transphobia

Terfism is White Distraction: On BLM, Decolonising the Curriculum, Anti-Gender Attacks and Feminist Transphobia

by Alyosxa Tudor

Image credit: Cambridge Dictionary 

When I hear the word ‘cunt’ (or in German, the word ‘Fotze’ for that matter) as a slur it hits me. It is one of the forms of verbal abuse that gets to me. In the UK, ‘cunt’ is widely used as a misogynist term for women and other non-guys, but also it seems to […]

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    An analysis of conversion therapy in India: The need to outlaw and the allied socio-cultural concerns

An analysis of conversion therapy in India: The need to outlaw and the allied socio-cultural concerns

by Winy Daigavane and Anubhav Das

The conduct towards the LGBT community in India has not been very progressive even after homosexuality was decriminalized. To add salt to their wounds, a recent incident highlights the atrocities faced by them. A 21-year-old student, Anjana Hareesh, committed suicide. While the exact reason behind her death is unknown, it is alleged that there is […]

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    Shut In, Shut Out – Understanding domestic abuse during a pandemic

Shut In, Shut Out – Understanding domestic abuse during a pandemic

by Devina Malaviya & Aradhana Cherupara Vadekkethil

Image credit: Annie Spratt

With the outbreak of COVID-19, the idea of the ‘home’ as a safe space has received significant attention. As we struggle with the challenges posed by an unfamiliar disease, the thought of ‘home’ comforts many of us with its sense of familiarity.  It is reassuring to believe that when the world […]

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    The AfD and right-wing (anti-)gender mobilisation in Germany

The AfD and right-wing (anti-)gender mobilisation in Germany

by Katharina Hajek

Germany, like so many countries in Europe, is experiencing the rise of right-wing conservative and populist forces. The central actor here is the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)[1], which was founded in 2013. The party is now achieving results of up to 28 percent at the state level, as well as 12.6 % in federal elections, making it currently the […]

Haunting Feminism: Encounters with Lesbian Ghosts

A special issue of Feminist Theory edited by Ilana Eloit and Clare Hemmings

This special issue was published in December 2019 and there will be a celebration launch at the Laboratoire d’Études de Genre et de Sexualité (CNRS / Paris 8 University / Paris Nanterre University) on May 14th 2020. Here we take extracts from our Introduction to give a sense […]

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    “If You Smile Sweetly”: Manoeuvring Gendered Experiences in the Field

“If You Smile Sweetly”: Manoeuvring Gendered Experiences in the Field

Encountering Inappropriate and Sexist Behaviours during Fieldwork

by Mahardhika Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad

“You did not bring the correct letters to request an interview, but if you smile sweetly, we can talk in my office.”

I was in a government office in Indonesia, doing my fieldwork on the treatment of refugees in a city that was part of my multi-cited ethnography. I came with […]

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    What do we mean when we talk about ‘survivors’? Perspectives on the exclusions of the ‘trauma of sexual assault’ discourse

What do we mean when we talk about ‘survivors’? Perspectives on the exclusions of the ‘trauma of sexual assault’ discourse

by Aude Langlois

Each year students on the LSE Gender MSc course Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation present independent research papers at an all-day student conference. This year’s conference “Globalising Desire / Locating Power” took place on 29 March 2019 and in this series of posts a selection of students present their interventions from the conference.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the feminist […]

LGBT activism and the census: A battle half-won?

by Laurence Cooley 

In December, the British government published its plans for the next census of England and Wales, to be held in 2021. The white paper proposes the addition of three new questions to the census, including one on gender identity and one on sexual orientation. While the census is administered separately in Scotland and Northern Ireland, there is a […]

  • A shop front with home-made banner above with text "Community not commodity"
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    Why feminisms? Branding our political commitments, just don’t do it

Why feminisms? Branding our political commitments, just don’t do it

by  Melissa Chacón

On Wednesday 3 October 2018, LSE Gender PhD students organised an event titled ‘Why feminisms? An open discussion about doing gender research’. During this event, MSc and PhD students discussed what inspired them to study gender. Three PhD students then presented their thoughts about doing feminist research in this particular moment in history: one where gender studies faces […]

Why feminisms? In the Name of Feminism

by Priya Raghavan

On Wednesday 3 October 2018, LSE Gender PhD students organised an event titled ‘Why feminisms? An open discussion about doing gender research’. During this event, MSc and PhD students discussed what inspired them to study gender. Three PhD students then presented their thoughts about doing feminist research in this particular moment in history: one where gender studies faces calls […]

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