
Beyond Symbolism? The EU enlargement and Gay Politics

by Koen Slootmaeckers

On the occasion of the book launch of The EU Enlargement and Gay Politics: The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on Rights, Activism and Prejudice (edited by Koen Slootmaeckers, Heleen Touquet and Peter Vermeersch), Koen Slootmaeckers reflect on the contributions the book made to the growing literature on the Europeanisation of LGBT rights, and raises critical questions for future […]

October 26th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|1 Comment|

The victory of abortion rights protesters in Poland is likely to be short lived

by Magdalena Mikulak
A proposal to increase restrictions on abortion in Poland generated several large protests across the country in early October, with the proposal ultimately being voted down in parliament. In this post, Magdalena argues that despite the apparent victory of the protesters, it remains likely that the government will nevertheless push for new restrictions on abortion.

On 3 October, more than […]

October 20th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|1 Comment|
  • picture gender neutral restroom sign
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    The ‘private’ life of US politics part two: affect, intimacy and public bathrooms

The ‘private’ life of US politics part two: affect, intimacy and public bathrooms

by Kate Gilchrist

In part one of this two-part blog post, I looked at the rise in popularity of populist politics in the US, as represented by Donald Trump. In light of the presidential elections it seemed timely to try to understand why there has been such a shift in the political climate here (although it is by no means […]

October 17th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|
  • picture of Donal Trump
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    The ‘private’ life of US politics part one: affect, intimacy and Trump

The ‘private’ life of US politics part one: affect, intimacy and Trump

by Kate Gilchrist 

Like many, I have watched closely the rise in political appeal of Donald Trump to become the US presidential candidate, with as much horror as fascination. There have been lots of explanations for what was considered a very unlikely scenario not so long ago (although Trump’s election as president was famously predicted in a now more chilling, […]

October 10th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Book review: Handbook on Gender and War

Towards a gender-sensitive analysis of war and its aftermath

by Jennifer Philippa Eggert

What role does gender play in war and post-war societies? Does war impact men and women in the same way? How are gender roles and images reproduced and represented during times of war and violent conflict? Despite thirty years of scholarship on gender and war, and an increasing […]

September 14th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|2 Comments|

The EU and Gender Equality: better off in, or out?


by Ania Plomien

It is results day for the UK Referendum on membership of the European Union and I am on my way to Bucharest to give a talk on inequalities in contemporary Europe. Waiting to board the flight I catch fragments of speeches sprinkled with words like ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant’, ‘generous’, ‘progressive’ and ‘European’. Condescending, as they are spoken by […]

Measuring women’s work—more vexing than you might think

By Naila Kabeer

Philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates cited “time poverty” as a top priority in their 2016 Annual Letter, referring to the unpaid work that disproportionately falls on women and shining a spotlight on one of the most vexing challenges economists and statisticians face: how to accurately measure women’s work.

New choruses demanding a data revolution to gauge progress toward the […]

France criminalises clients of prostitution

By Emily St.Denny On April 6th, the French parliament voted to criminalise clients of prostitution [1]. Following in the footsteps of countries such as Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Canada, France is the fifth country in the world to introduce a demand-side ban on prostitution. This highly contentious bill has been the subject of fraught political and parliamentary debates for over three […]

  • Permalink source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ruins_of_the_Bosnian_War_in_Mostar_002.jpgGallery

    Rape and Sexual Violence in War: The Vexing Issue of Causation and Some Reflections from Bosnia

Rape and Sexual Violence in War: The Vexing Issue of Causation and Some Reflections from Bosnia

By Janine Natalya Clark


Refugees; Srebrenica; the siege of Sarajevo; burning villages such as Ahmići and Stupni Do; the Omarska camp. Captured in these words are some of the most powerful and lasting images of the 1992-1995 Bosnian war. Media cameras captured many of the crimes committed in this bloody conflict. In contrast, one particular set of crimes typically occurred […]

April 20th, 2016|Featured, Politics|1 Comment|

Poland: A change so good, it makes you want to cry

by Magdalena Mikulak   Following its election victory in October 2015, Poland’s right-wing Law and Justice party (PiS) has been on an offensive that has left many people, both inside and outside of the country, concerned about the future of Polish democracy. The blitzkrieg of ‘good change’ (PiS’s campaign slogan) included effectively paralysing the Constitutional Tribunal – which sparked protests across the country – taking over the […]

March 31st, 2016|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|

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