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    Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Posters In and About the British Women’s Suffrage Movement

Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Posters In and About the British Women’s Suffrage Movement

by Dean Cooper-Cunningham

In 2018, the UK celebrated the centenary of (some) women’s suffrage. This came on the back of the Global Women’s Marches that protested the election of Donald Trump following his anti-women statements and the more general anti-feminist sentiment (re)surging worldwide. What became clear from the Women’s Marches was the power of visual material in protests. Protestors used […]

March 18th, 2019|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|
  • Outside wall of a building with a row of poster stickers in blue and pink that read No + ideología de género in all capital letters
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    In Defence of Women: Anti-gender Campaigns and Abortion in Chile

In Defence of Women: Anti-gender Campaigns and Abortion in Chile

by Lieta Vivaldi 

In Chile the bill that allows abortion on three grounds – when a woman’s life is in danger, when there are foetal anomalies incompatible with life, and in the case of rape – was approved, after a long discussion, in August 2017 and then published in September the same year. In December 2017, the right-wing candidate Sebastián Piñera […]

Brazilian presidential election: a perfect catastrophe?

by Sonia Corrêa


Time to mourn

Politics is both reasoning and affect. This is how a first version of this essay, written in the immediate aftermath of the Brazilian 2018 elections, began. The reasonable charting of what happened in Brazil was urgent, but also a painful exercise to engage with. Having watched, for many years, the building up of Brazilian conservative […]

Using Gender to Understand how Daesh/Islamic State Governs

by Katherine E. Brown


A destroyed part of Raqqa. Photo Credit: Mahmoud Bali (VOA)

Since I wrote that so-called Islamic State (known as Daesh or ISIS) is a proto-state in Revisiting Gendered States in early 2018, it no longer governs territory the size of Britain. This has led many to anticipate its imminent demise as a governing entity, reducing its status […]

February 20th, 2019|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|
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    Heteroactivism: Why examining ‘gender ideology’ isn’t enough

Heteroactivism: Why examining ‘gender ideology’ isn’t enough

by Kath Browne and Catherine Nash

This is the first blog in a series of posts on transnational anti-gender politics jointly called by the LSE Department of Gender Studies and Engenderings with the aim of discussing how we can make sense of and resist the current attacks on gender studies, ‘gender ideology’ and individuals working within the field.

Gender ideology is […]

Transnational Anti-Gender Politics

In light of the recent ban of gender studies in Hungary, the LSE Department of Gender Studies and Engenderings are calling for contributions to a blog post series on transnational anti-gender politics. Not only in Hungary have gender studies and feminist thought become the target of vicious attacks. In Germany, gender studies are consistently targeted as a pseudo-science that […]

  • A woman dressed in blue holding up a kite in the centre foreground, taken on International Women's Day at a Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh
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    Those fighting for gender equality need more recognition – this new award could help

Those fighting for gender equality need more recognition – this new award could help

by Odette Chalaby

Some advocates for gender equality — think Justin Trudeau, Malala Yousafzai and Julia Gillard, former Australian PM and now Director of the new Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College — get their fair share of public adulation. But often those working to improve governments policies on gender either directly or indirectly — from researchers to […]

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    Bodily echoes: a performative reading of the Feminist Strike in Spain, and beyond…

Bodily echoes: a performative reading of the Feminist Strike in Spain, and beyond…

by Amanda Mauri Riverola

March 9 arrived, and what had been the first legally approved Feminist Strike in Spain left a vacuum on the streets. All Spanish cities –which had seen time stop for over 24 hours– were now back to the usual schedules, commutes and expenses that mark the routine of the ever-expanding precariat. A thousand individual paths racing […]

Curriculum Reform in UK Higher Education

by Priya Raghavan

I recently had the opportunity to work as an RA on a transnational review of readings for a Gender course, with an aim to incorporate more thinking from the ‘Global South’. The rather formidable undertaking proved in equal parts challenging, rewarding, and deeply unsettling. Efforts to interrogate epistemic practices in universities draw from a veritable history of academic and […]

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    Open Letter to the LSE Re: Racialised Harassment and Access to Space at LSE

Open Letter to the LSE Re: Racialised Harassment and Access to Space at LSE

by The Participants of “Neglected Encounters”
We are writing to express our anger and dismay at the racist profiling and harassment experienced by several participants at a workshop hosted at the LSE on April 20th-21st. We write to draw your attention to the fact that this incident, while troubling and unacceptable in its own right, should be understood in the context of […]

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