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    Do ask and do tell: Should universities be asking PhD students to give more feedback?

Do ask and do tell: Should universities be asking PhD students to give more feedback?

The dire situation of mental health in the academy has been discussed extensively and studies show that PhD students are faring particularly poorly – in a paper published in Research Policy, Katia Levecque et al. argue that: ‘one in two PhD students experiences psychological distress’ whilst ‘one in three is at risk of a common psychiatric disorder.’ The authors also claim that: ‘the prevalence […]

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    Big G and small g: Understanding gender and its relationship to family violence

Big G and small g: Understanding gender and its relationship to family violence

by Sophie Yates

I recently published a journal article about the wide variety of definitions I came across when I asked Australian policy actors what they mean when they say ‘gender’. I found this variety concerning because statements like “family violence is a gendered issue” are common (and commonly debated) in the family violence field – but if people working […]

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    Young Working Class Men in Transition: Lecture Review of Dr Steve Roberts

Young Working Class Men in Transition: Lecture Review of Dr Steve Roberts

by Asel Shamyrbekova

Across the globe, rapid changes in our perception of masculinity and the socially-relegated roles assigned to men have been occurring. In particular, social media is impacting young people’s lives, transforming attitudes towards femininity and masculinity, and acting as an important template where one is able to express their feelings and attachment to a close friend without necessarily […]

April 16th, 2018|Featured, Society|0 Comments|
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    The Pope’s visit to Chile: the limits of the ‘Francis phenomenon’

The Pope’s visit to Chile: the limits of the ‘Francis phenomenon’

by José Manuel Morán

Things did not turn out as expected in Chile. Pope Francis, whose image as a charismatic leader sharply contrasts with of his antecessor Benedict XVI, and who often deploys discourses that seem to take some distance from the ones promoted by John Paul II in his obsession with sexuality matters, was not as successful in connecting […]

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    Does Europe prefer her sons over daughters? Adding the gender perspective to European memory

Does Europe prefer her sons over daughters? Adding the gender perspective to European memory

by Ana Milosevic

After the Second World War, European leaders had a plan to “Make Europe great again.” — and it worked. The EU brought peace, stability and economic prosperity to the continent. It all started with the signing of the Rome Treaty, 61 years ago when European founding fathers laid out the first bricks into the foundations of the EU.

European politicians […]

Questionable leadership: NATO and women’s rights

by Laura Nacyte 

Recently, Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Angelina Jolie, a co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative, wrote an open-ed for the Guardian, calling for the NATO’s leadership in protecting women’s rights. It emphasises that the organisation can become the ‘global military leader’ in preventing sexual violence in conflict.

In enhancing […]

Survival Sex and Humanitarian Agencies

by Ghaida Motahar 

Good intentions do not justify the bad deeds. Oxfam is an international confederation working on poverty alleviation in 90 countries across the globe. The organization is known for its efforts in raising gender inequality issues, and taking pride in claiming of putting women in the heart of what they do. Sexual harassment and abuse as a gendered form of violence […]

The murder of Marielle Franco: a call to action

by Sonia Corrêa and Richard Parker, ABIA

The Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association (ABIA) makes public its profound mourning and indignation regarding the brutal assassination of Municipal councilor Marielle Franco and her driver, Anderson Gomes. Both were victims of a summary execution on the night of March 14, 2018.

Marielle Franco was a black woman from the favela and a human rights defender, […]

Why do women shy away from challenging careers?

by Sophie Heine

Having been a very achieving and ambitious woman in my early career, my recent professional choices have not ceased to surprise me. Many times over the last few years, I have indeed decided to shun or leave demanding jobs and go for either lower key positions or self-employed projects. And more and more, I am dreaming to […]

The Post-Strike Landscape

by Left of Brown and Sisters of Resistance


In a world of possibility for us all, our personal visions help lay the groundwork for political action.
– Audre Lorde

As of 12 March 2018, we are in the post-strike landscape. The terms of the ‘agreement’ reached yesterday are unsatisfactory and the outcome has demonstrated the extent of the leadership crisis in the sector. Neither […]

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