
Domestic Violence – The Shadow Pandemic

by Aniket A. Panchal and G Vishal

‘Home is where the heart is’ is an adage that has been prevalent in society since time immemorial. Humans built shelters to protect themselves, and as time went by, a person’s home became the centre of their universe; the one place in the entire world where safety and security are guaranteed. There are many groups […]

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    Welfarist Dilemma? The Politics of Gender in West Bengal’s Cash Transfer Schemes

Welfarist Dilemma? The Politics of Gender in West Bengal’s Cash Transfer Schemes

by Proma Ray Chaudhury

Notwithstanding criticisms, Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) schemes as a means of poverty alleviation and social justice in countries with higher levels of socio-economic inequality have seen substantial surge in popularity in the recent decades. While being appreciated as instrumental in making women economically independent precisely as many of them are direct recipients of cash benefits, and in […]

February 13th, 2020|Development, Featured|0 Comments|

Anti-colonial feminist solidarity and politics of location

by Niharika Pandit

Photo credit: Zahra Amiruddin. Republished with permission for this blogpost.

This piece is an attempt to think through the complexities and disjunctures in undertaking anti-colonial feminist solidarity work, confronting our complicities in the ongoing coloniality, violence and dispossession of marginalised peoples exacerbated by the state, in which we remain invested and from which we benefit. Here I […]

January 9th, 2020|Featured|0 Comments|

In labour and in love: Privacy through a gendered lens

by Aastha Malhotra and Arshia Roy

Recently, there has been an increased emphasis on an individual’s right to privacy, with more and more nations jumping into adopting privacy legislations and safeguards for their citizens. This comes in the context of a severe threat to our informational and decision-making privacy.

Rarely ever, however, are any aspects of privacy viewed from a gendered […]

November 18th, 2019|Featured, Policy|0 Comments|

The Travel/Trial of Intersectionality

by Manjari Sahay

To mark 30 years of ‘intersectionality’ since Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the concept in her article ‘Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex’, the Department of Gender Studies, LSE organised a day-long celebration on 29 May 2019. The conference showcased scholarly and activist reflections underlining the centrality of intersectionality and its conceptual purchase across disciplines and locations. […]

Militarisation, misogyny and gendered violence in Kashmir

by Samreen Mushtaq

On August 14 this year, a solidarity team comprising four Indian civil society activists held a press conference at the Press Club of India in Delhi to share their findings from Indian-administered Kashmir, which has been under a communications blackout for more than three weeks. Although the activists were permitted to discuss their findings, they were disallowed […]

September 9th, 2019|Featured, Politics, Society|4 Comments|
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    Silence of the Indian sex-workers: Dissecting the eternally suppressed perspective

Silence of the Indian sex-workers: Dissecting the eternally suppressed perspective

by Priyadarshee Mukhopadhyay


Are they listening?

The dreadful condition of sex-workers in India has always been a burning issue. While gender equality and human rights movements in India are at an all time high, the condition of sex workers keep deteriorating. Central to this, is the silencing of sex workers’ voices in public. It is an injustice when the views of […]

September 2nd, 2019|Featured, Policy, Society|0 Comments|

Hijras and the legacy of British colonial rule in India

by Sophie Hunter

On 6 September last year the Supreme Court of India struck down Section 377 (S377) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), decriminalising homosexuality. Introduced during British colonial rule in India in 1864 as a legal transplant of the British 1533 Buggery Act, this section criminalised non-procreative sexualities. Historically it was used to target, among others, transgender persons, […]

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    Why feminism: some notes from ‘the field’ on doing feminist research

Why feminism: some notes from ‘the field’ on doing feminist research

by Rishita Nandagiri

On Wednesday 27 September 2017, LSE Gender PhD students organised an event titled Why feminism? An open discussion about doing gender research. During this event, PhD and MSc students from a range of disciplines engaged in a conversation framed around a series of questions: What does it mean to say we are working with gender studies? What […]

Where is the $2 billion for Indian mothers?

by Swati Narayan

Babloo is too short for his age. In India, and especially in the poor eastern state of Bihar, that is unfortunately not unusual. Two of every five pre-school children are stunted. But Babloo’s malnutrition is so severe that he can barely move and lies on his back all day. With three other children in tow, his mother, […]

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