
  • A person pictured from behind carrying a large white flag with an outline of children and adults holding hands and Cyrillic text underneath.
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    ‘Traditional values’ for the 99%? The new gender ideology in Russia

‘Traditional values’ for the 99%? The new gender ideology in Russia

by Daria Ukhova

Challenges posed to women’s rights and gender equality by neoconservative ‘pro-family’ and ‘anti-gender’ forces have been drawing attention of gender scholars and activists from across the globe (see the recent post by Sonia Corrêa in this blog). Using Russia as a case, in this post I take a closer look at the ‘traditional values’ ideology and the […]

January 15th, 2018|Featured, Politics, Society|2 Comments|
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    The Mobilisation to Save The Feminist Library in Paris has Been Successful! On Feminism, Archives And Dreams

The Mobilisation to Save The Feminist Library in Paris has Been Successful! On Feminism, Archives And Dreams

by Ilana Eloit 


The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, had announced a few months ago the dangerous project of relocating the Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand – France’s only feminist public library founded in 1932 – in a general library on the history of Paris. This decision, taken without consultation with the staff or the social partners of the Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand, threatened […]

December 20th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|1 Comment|
  • Black and white image of a demonstration with many women in the foreground carrying babies in slings and others holding banners and placards.
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    Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

Gender Ideology: tracking its origins and meanings in current gender politics

By Sonia Corrêa

In the first week of November, 2017, Judith Butler was viciously attacked in Brazil by a heterogeneous group of actors who define themselves as anti-gender,[1] a regrettable episode caught the attention of both the media and international and global North academics. This well-orchestrated political formation is not new and much less peculiarly Brazilian. As analysed by numerous of […]

December 11th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|13 Comments|

New Handbook on Gender and the Military

By Claire Duncanson and Rachel Woodward


Gender issues in the military have hit the headlines this summer. Whether it’s the celebrations of one hundred years of women in the British military, President Trump’s ban on transgender personnel serving in the US military, or the ‘cultural wars’ – or lack thereof – over the absence of diversity in the big movie […]

Why gender matters in Syria’s rebuilding efforts

By Lana Khattab and Henri Myrttinen

Failure to consider gender dynamics in Syria’s rebuilding efforts after the armed conflict would risk consolidating inequalities. This is the finding of a recent report titled ‘“Most of the men want to leave”: Armed groups, displacement and the gendered webs of vulnerability in Syria’ published by the authors of this post in July 2017. […]

August 29th, 2017|Featured, Politics|2 Comments|
  • Photo of Marine Le Pen at a campaign rally
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    Marine Le Pen’s Woman Card: The re-alignment of female voters in a traditionally masculine game

Marine Le Pen’s Woman Card: The re-alignment of female voters in a traditionally masculine game

by Sjifra de Leeuw

The nation and by extent nationalist politics is traditionally rendered a male game. In the most recent French presidential race this status quo has been challenged by a female contender, namely Marine Le Pen. In this post I ask what role Marine Le Pen’s gender played in the mobilisation of voters and argue that Le Pen’s electoral success […]

August 7th, 2017|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|

A victory for Labour’s left-wing women

by Rosanna Hutchings

Labour’s left-wing women have long been side-lined by the party and by the media. Having refused to engage with the Blairite agenda of the Labour Party from the end of the 1990s, these women received little media attention. This is despite having spearheaded a number of notable campaigns, for example, the London Schools and the Black Child initiative […]

Mothers, bombs, and a whole lot of gender clichés

After the US dropped one of the biggest explosives ever used in Afghanistan earlier this year, critics objected to the use of the name ‘mother of all bombs.’ In this blog post, Jennifer Philippa Eggert analyses the gendered assumptions underlying the criticisms of the bomb’s name, before critically discussing the roles of mothers in violent political movements and counterextremism […]

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    Masculinities at the Margins: A Feminist Curiosity of Gender, Militarism and War

Masculinities at the Margins: A Feminist Curiosity of Gender, Militarism and War

by Amanda Chisholm and Joanna Tidy

For scholars of feminist IR and those applying a critical lens to militaries, gender and war, military masculinities is a familiar concept—one that tells a story with which we are well-acquainted. This is a story of hegemonic gender power and its performativities and how they structure and sustain institutional violence. The concept has been […]

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    Call for Abstracts (special issue proposal): “Lesbian Theory, Feminist Politics: Transnational Perspectives”

Call for Abstracts (special issue proposal): “Lesbian Theory, Feminist Politics: Transnational Perspectives”


Editors: Ilana Eloit (LSE, Gender Institute) and Clare Hemmings (LSE, Gender Institute)

This is a call for abstracts for a journal special issue on the above theme. We are negotiating with a feminist journal currently, and will take this forward once we have a full set of abstracts for consideration. Provisional publication date is December 2019; first drafts of papers […]

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