
Where is the $2 billion for Indian mothers?

by Swati Narayan

Babloo is too short for his age. In India, and especially in the poor eastern state of Bihar, that is unfortunately not unusual. Two of every five pre-school children are stunted. But Babloo’s malnutrition is so severe that he can barely move and lies on his back all day. With three other children in tow, his mother, […]

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    Call to the International Women’s Strike – March 8, 2017

Call to the International Women’s Strike – March 8, 2017

On this 8th of March, we repost here the call to international women’s strike issued by the coalition Ni Una Menos. 



This 8 th of March the earth trembles. The women of the world unite and organize a measure of force and a common call: International Women’s Strike.

We stand. We strike, we organize and we find ourselves in one another. We enact the […]

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    Practicing Decoloniality 2/3: Transnational Feminist Solidarity

Practicing Decoloniality 2/3: Transnational Feminist Solidarity

On Wednesday 22nd February 2017, PhD students at the Gender Institute organised a roundtable discussion and interactive workshop titled Practicing Decoloniality in Gender Studies. This short series of posts presents the transcripts of the three speakers’ discussion papers, following up with Louisa Acciari’s call to action in solidarity for outsourced cleaners in UK academic institutions and Brazilian domestic workers […]

February 28th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Practicing Decoloniality 1/3: Decolonial Discomforts

On Wednesday 22nd February 2017, PhD students at the Gender Institute organised a roundtable discussion and interactive workshop titled Practicing Decoloniality in Gender Studies. This short series of posts presents the transcripts of the three speakers’ discussion papers, kicking off with Priya Raghavan’s reflections on her encounters with decoloniality in the neoliberal academy during her first year of PhD […]

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    Ideology trumps gender: Left-wing women and British party politics

Ideology trumps gender: Left-wing women and British party politics

by Rosanna Hutchings


Although  British political parties have increased the number of female MPs in Parliament, a neoliberal framework privileges a liberal feminist approach to politics that leaves women with a very specific kind of female representative that fails to represent the interests of the majority of female voters. The women that are visible within the centre-left Labour Party are those […]

February 20th, 2017|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Labors of Love: Nurturing Resistance

by Lara N. Dotson-Renta



“Yes, fusion is possible but only if things get hot enough – all else is temporary adhesion, patching up.” The Welder, Cherrie Moraga

Recent weeks have felt white hot with mourning, filled with impotence at the path laid out—a path so many of us feel embraces our tendency towards darkness, rather than nudging us towards light.

Like many, I watched […]

About that march on Saturday 21st

An international march was organised by feminist groups across 20 countries last Saturday, 21st of January, following the election of Trump as the president of the United States. This march gathered an important diversity of organisations, making thousands of people unite around the world in protest to Trump’s election, in defence of woman’s rights, and against discourses of hate and racism. […]

  • Aerial photo of Damascus
    Permalink Photo Credit Marcus LyonGallery

    Why do women join IS? A critique of gendered assumptions about women’s motivations

Why do women join IS? A critique of gendered assumptions about women’s motivations

by Jennifer Philippa Eggert

Women who join the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (IS) in Syria have garnered considerable public interest in Europe since the summer of 2014, when first reports about women leaving Europe for IS-controlled territory emerged. In this blog post, Jennifer Philippa Eggert contrasts commonly held assumptions about women’s motivations to join IS with what recent research tells us about […]

Justice for the LSE Cleaners!

by the Engenderings editorial team 


Sign the open letter here

Did you ever stop to think what the LSE would look like, if the toilets and common spaces were not cleaned, and the bins never emptied? Would you be able to attend a lecture, or work in your office if someone had not performed this essential work for you?

This someone is a […]

Changing parenting roles for transforming gender

by Jules Allen


News earlier this year revealed that only a very small proportion of new fathers in the UK have made use of parental leave since the new ‘Shared Parental Leave’ entitlement was introduced in 2015.  While well-designed policy can support shifts in behaviour (Himmelweit and Sigala 2004.), it seems that this particular policy change has done little to address […]

November 7th, 2016|Featured, Politics, Society|0 Comments|

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